Technology in Education

Modern technology is becoming an increasingly meaningful partner and assistant in our every day lives. 

From a young age every member of society is now affected by this development and electronic devices and gadgets are part of our modern world. 

For this and many other reasons, it’s our belief that education plays a vital role in using such smart technology in a clever and appropriate way to benefit everyone. 

Educational technology in classrooms and homeseducational technology

Computers, tablets and smartphones are probably the most common types of technology that we now use on a daily basis. They are becoming more and more complex and so is their use. 


Ed Tech offers so many learning opportunities in schools, universities and homes. But only, if its users know how to manage it effectively and appropriately

Many schools are now developing digital competence curricula or frameworks to implement and evaluate the learning with digital tools and resources better. 

At the UK Education Blog we want to share good digital practice for educational technology in order to support educators and parents or carers. 

Find examples, recommendations, tutorials and guides here to learn more about the latest developments, innovations and trends in digital learning especially with educational tools and technology. 

Technology for Home Learning

For distance learning and home learning educational technology plays a vital role. We aim to provide tips and advice on which technology is available, the latest trends and innovations and how to use it effectively for learning from home.