Homelearning5 Last-Minute Exam Tips For A-Levels

5 Last-Minute Exam Tips For A-Levels

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We all know that A-level exams can be extremely stressful, especially when one does not feel ready or prepared. But do not worry as our top 5 last-minute A-level exam tips below should help you with feeling positive and confident about your approaching tests.

Ready, steady, go!

1. Selectively go through revision points


Rather than broadly going over things, we recommend studying several points that are essential to earning all important notes. It is important to use any time you have left to go over these points before the exam, this will quickly jog your memory and refresh any information you may have skipped.

2. Save those hard to remember points for bedtime

Sleep experts claim that going over the most challenging material to remember before bed, although we recommend that you keep it simple and in bite-sized amounts to avoid any stress and restless nights for days ahead of exams.

3. Practice editing essays


As you study for your exams, include a bit of practice with editing essays. Before you take your first exam, locate essays that you have written for mock practice in class or out of them, read over them, and re-write them. On exam day, you will not have time for extensive rewrites of your free response answers, so it is well worth knowing where to focus your energies.

Include this practice in your daily study hour. While you cannot add much information to your store of knowledge at this point, you can improve your exam-taking process. Remember, if you don’t quite get the grades you were expecting retaking exams could be an option.

4. Take it easy between exams


Many students who take exams report feeling worn out after just one – let alone back-to-back exams! Unfortunately, because exams are set by the awarding board, you may face this very situation. If you must complete back-to-back tests, plan to ensure that you will have some quality rest time between exams.

For example, bring music to listen to, and eat a healthy meal (one including complex carbohydrates, protein, and vegetables to nourish your brain). Use your downtime wisely – The specifics of what you do matter less than ensuring that you do not spend the week before your exams tense and anxious.

5. Sleep!


Our brains are at their best when they are rested. If you sit for an exam while exhausted, you will have a much harder time recalling the information you need to earn the big marks. Exams are designed to assess knowledge and skills that you accumulate over months of study, so frantically reviewing your notes the week before the exam will not help you. You can study an hour or so a day to keep yourself focused and on the topic but avoid working late into the evening.

Hopefully, now you’re ready to face the challenge of the A-level exam for the best A-level results! Good luck!

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Shirley Owen
Shirley Owen
Shirley Owen is a blogger and writer who enjoys writing blogs on education, technology and general news. An avid reader, she follows all the latest news & developments to report on them through her articles.
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