Writing in the digital age is a constantly evolving art form. Whether you are an aspiring novelist, a blogger, or a professional in a corporate setting, you can always refine your skills and improve your work.
In this article, we look at ways to take your digital writing skills to the next level. This will help you learn new ways to express yourself or hone your skills for the job market.
For example, if you extend your skills, you may be able to turn a talent for writing product descriptions into a career in creating websites. You might then find work creating content for a customer support company.
1. Read Widely and Analytically
Great writers read a lot. They immerse themselves in diverse genres, styles, and authors. When you read widely, you expose yourself to different writing techniques, tones, and structures. From there, you can analyse what resonates with you and consider why certain pieces are effective.
This not only broadens your understanding of the written word but also serves as a wellspring of inspiration for your own writing. Naturally, you won’t copy the prose word-for-word, but you can use some of the concepts to improve your style.
For example, how does a bestselling author build interest and keep people turning the pages? Do they use short sentences and chapters? Do they skip between characters in alternating chapters? These are time-honoured ways of maintaining the reader’s interest.
2. Master the Fundamentals
Here we should take a lesson from master artists. For example, Renoir is famous for his impressionist work rather than photorealistic portraits. However, while he broke the rules, he did learn the basics first. He was perfectly able to paint beautiful and conventional portraits.
Brush up on your grammar, punctuation, and syntax so you can express yourself clearly. You can, if you like, break the rules for effect in some instances, but keep these to a minimum. Glaring grammar errors are jarring to the reader and leave them with a poor impression of your work.
3. Develop a Unique Voice
Your style and experience set you apart as a writer. Let your personality shine through in your words rather than trying to copy everyone else. Experiment with different tones, perspectives, and styles until you find your authentic voice. Whether it’s witty, contemplative, or bold, let your unique voice shine through in your writing.
4. Embrace the Editing Process
See your initial piece as the first draft of many. Leave the work and come back to it a day or two later and edit it again. You don’t have to make it perfect but refine it and give it a few read-throughs.
This allows ideas to percolate in your mind and you may come up with even more compelling points. Finally ask a peer or professional editor to review the work before calling it a day.
5. Expand Your Vocabulary
A rich vocabulary enhances your ability to express nuance and depth in your writing. You should regularly incorporate new words into your lexicon. You can do this by keeping an online thesaurus and dictionary open in a separate screen when typing.
Challenge yourself to use unfamiliar words in your writing. However, always ensure that your word choices are appropriate for the context.
6. Write Regularly
Practice makes perfect. They say it takes 10,000 hours of consistent practice to master any skill, so start today.
Not sure what to write? Author Julia Cameron has a clever way to deal with this in an exercise she calls “Daily Pages.”
Set yourself a task of filling one A4 page with writing every day. For these pages, you don’t have to edit anything, just write. This allows you to get into the habit of putting ideas onto paper and makes the blank page less scary. You’ll be amazed at what your subconscious mind comes up with during these sessions.
7. Experiment with Different Genres
Change things up by experimenting with different forms of writing challenges you to adapt your voice and skills to varying contexts. Try your hand at poetry, short stories, or even technical writing. Each genre brings its own set of challenges and opportunities for growth.
Doing this also makes you step out of your comfort zone and try new things.
8. Study the Craft
Invest time in studying writing and attending workshops or courses, if possible. There are numerous resources available that delve into the mechanics of storytelling, character development, and narrative structure. Learning from experienced writers and educators can provide valuable insights and techniques to apply to your own work.
9. Seek Constructive Feedback
If you plan to work in the industry, be prepared to face brutal feedback. Editors can be ruthless, so start getting practice now. Ask people you know for constructive feedback and consider joining a local writer’s group.
An unbiased third-party might highlight things you overlooked and help you hone your craft.
10. Immerse Yourself in Life Experiences
Writing is a reflection of life, and rich, authentic writing often stems from lived experiences. Engage with the world around you—travel, meet new people, and embrace different cultures. These experiences will infuse your writing with depth, authenticity, and a genuine connection to the human experience.
11. Set Achievable Writing Goals
Establish clear, achievable writing goals to guide your progress. Whether it’s completing a certain number of words each day, finishing a short story by the end of the month, or submitting your work to a literary magazine, setting goals provides direction and motivation.
While it’s tempting to say you’ll write a book within the month, it’s probably not realistic if you’ve never done so before. Rather set smaller more achievable goals and work your way up.
12. Embrace Rejection as Part of the Journey
Some people are going to love your work, others won’t care for it. Rejection is a natural part of the writing process. Many successful authors faced numerous rejections before finding success. Use rejection as an opportunity to learn and refine your work. It’s not a reflection of your worth as a writer but rather a stepping stone toward improvement.
Writing digitally is a continuous journey that can be highly rewarding. Whether you aim to be a bestselling author or simply make enough money to pay the rent, there’s an opportunity to do just that.
However, this only works if you put in the effort. There are very few overnight success stories in this industry, so brace yourself for rejection. If you persevere, you should make it in the end.
Author Profile

- Editor in Chief
- Blogger and Educator by Passion | Senior Online Media & PR Strategist at ClickDo Ltd. | Contributor to many Education, Business & Lifestyle Blogs in the United Kingdom & Germany | Summer Course Student at the London School of Journalism and Course Instructor at the SeekaHost University.
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