HomeeducationHow to Prepare for your First Day as a University Fresher?

How to Prepare for your First Day as a University Fresher?

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University is a new stage of life for a young person, which causes a lot of anxiety or uncertainty but also excitement. Most often it involves a university fresher to change location, meet new people, and start a completely different life and learning model.

However, the first day of university does not have to be as difficult as it may seem. If you prepare well, you will be able to fit right into your new environment.

What do you need to know before embarking on your university fresher adventure?

Familiarise yourself with University Schedules, Rooms, and Subjects

Familiarize yourself with University Schedule, Rooms, and SubjectsBefore starting your first day of university, it is a good idea to focus on learning a bit about organizational issues.

This will eliminate ambiguity, give you more courage and prevent you from getting lost due to information overload. Start by carefully examining your schedule and finding your halls or classrooms. Remember that you can only make a first impression once, and the better you start, the easier your next steps will be.

Study the schedules, familiarise yourself with the layout of the university building and read the profiles of your professors and the course outline.

Do not stop at reading course materials – go the extra mile and be informed about your subject of study. It is not about careful analysis of details but simply becoming more familiar with them. Looking at your professors is also a good idea – you can read about their work and achievements. Doing so will boost your self-confidence, since uncertainty breeds concern and fear.

Also, plan your route to university in advance and check out exactly where classes are held. Being late draws the attention of the professor and the group, which may cause unnecessary confusion.

Work out how to get Credits through Exams and Preparing for Classes

Work out how to get Credits through Exams and Preparing for ClassesWhen you go to university, you must follow a new way of grading student work and getting credits, while the familiar rules you grew accustomed to at school no longer apply.

Universities assign different importance to subjects and divide them into several types, and their procedures may vary. Some courses end with an exam, while others simply require your attendance. How you get credit for classes most commonly depends on the guidelines of individual professors, who describe the rules in detail on the first day and in the course outline.

You will find out about the form of learning in each subject and what to do to prepare. The key subjects usually require you to pass a written or oral exam. Often, classes also require you to prepare a special project in the form of a presentation, essay, or other written work. You may be required to get credits through independent work or by collaborating with a larger group of students.

The novelty of the situation and abundance of information often makes it difficult to comprehend in full. Prepare a notepad and something to write with to take detailed notes – write down all the detailed terms and conditions, as well as instructions given by the professor. By doing so, you can always refer to your notes to address any doubts you may have. Also, do not be afraid to ask any questions that occur to you. It is better to find the courage and talk to the professor instead of making wrong assumptions.

And for the professors, it is also a good opportunity to get to know their students better and put a name to a face.

Be Open to Meeting New People as a University Fresher

Be Open to Meeting New PeopleStudent life is not just about studying, getting credits, and growing intellectually. Remember, it is also an opportunity to meet new friends, form real friendships, and even find a partner for the rest of your life or network for future work opportunities.

A change of environment is an opportunity to broaden your horizons and open a new chapter. Students taking their first steps in university life face many challenges and difficulties that are much easier to overcome in a larger group than on their own. It is good to have a circle of close friends with whom you can talk between classes, prepare for exams, or have a good time outside of the university.

Starting university is your first opportunity to meet new people who will accompany you throughout the next few years of studies and work. Arrive at the university early so you can take a good look at the situation and find friendly faces in the crowd. Do not forget to smile and be friendly – it makes networking much easier.

You may find that someone you just connected with will become your long-term friend. However, this is not the only form of making your first acquaintances – even before arriving at the university, you can find student groups associated with the given area of study or faculty on the Internet. This is a wonderful icebreaker and a way of entering this new reality. Also, do not miss freshers’ trips and parties, which are a great method of meeting new people.

Plan Your Way to University as a University Fresher

Plan Your Way to University as university fresherThe decision to go to university is not just about submitting the required documents and starting your studies. Where you will live is also important, so it is best to decide as early as possible to find a perfect student accommodation close to the university. The closer to the start of the academic year, the more people are looking and the fewer options to choose from.

When looking for accommodation, you need to consider not only your budget but also how far you will need to go to get to your classes. If the university is very far away, long commutes will cost you a lot of time and money. Studying is not the only thing young people live for, so it is also important to check if there are any cafés, clubs, and cultural attractions in the area and whether it is safe.

Not only is the area you live in important, but also the type of accommodation and the facilities. You can rent a private apartment or choose to rent a room in halls of residence.

New models of co-living and co-working have also entered the rental market for students such as BaseCamp and if you are considering studying abroad in Poland’s third-largest city, for example, the BaseCamp private student dormitory in Łódź at ul. Rembielińskiego is an interesting alternative just a 5-minute walk from the Technical University of Lodz.

Apart from comfortable rooms equipped with kitchenettes, decorated with designer furniture, and a private bathroom you will also have access to a communal gym, cinema, and communal study areas where additional community events and parties are held. This makes BaseCamp a perfect place for students at an affordable rate.


Author Profile

Shirley Owen
Shirley Owen
Shirley Owen is a blogger and writer who enjoys writing blogs on education, technology and general news. An avid reader, she follows all the latest news & developments to report on them through her articles.

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Shirley Owen
Shirley Owen
Shirley Owen is a blogger and writer who enjoys writing blogs on education, technology and general news. An avid reader, she follows all the latest news & developments to report on them through her articles.
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