The entire education market has been impacted since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, and private schools are no exception. Here we discuss what private schools can do to improve attendance after pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has cost the private school industry heavily and left many schools to face an uncertain future.
There are thousands of private schools in the UK currently, and as parents struggle financially and consider cutting down on fees to save money, the market will be more competitive than ever before throughout the remainder of 2021 and further into the future.
If you’re managing or supporting a private school, then you’ll understand the importance of being proactive during these uncertain and challenging times.
To help, we’ve put together some practical ways that your school can work to improve attendance and boost its income over the years to come.
This list isn’t exhaustive, but it should help you to identify ways that you can boost enrolment and help to keep existing pupils at your school throughout their educational lives.
Create The Perfect Website
Your school’s website is the first thing that any prospective student’s parents will see, so it needs to be perfect. It should provide all of the information that they require and be easy to navigate. You also need to consider SEO- by creating a website that runs correctly and meets search engine requirements, you can reach your target audience and show them that your school is a viable option for their child. Concept4 offers specialist school website design that could help you to improve your digital marketing and entice new parents to see your school as a viable option for their children.
Offer A Payment Plan
Many parents will now be facing financial hardships that they’ve perhaps never encountered before. As such, having a robust and flexible payment plan could be the ideal way to set your private school apart from the competition. Consider setting up a payment plan page on your website offering parents the chance to create customised plans that work for them. Make sure that you and your administrative team are vigilant and work closely with parents to ensure that fees are paid in a timely manner according to the terms of the payment plan. Private schools can also offer scholarships and bursaries to support families financially and there are different ways to apply for them.
Provide A Wider Array Of Classes
Offering a wide range of classes that can be used to supplement the curriculum and offer pupils new skills through an additional language, sports, or music classes, could be an ideal way for your private school to stand out from the rest. To offer these classes, you will need to attract the very highest caliber of teaching staff, including international teachers. Currently, private school teaching salaries are exceptionally high, with many teachers paid more than £100,000 per year. As such, you need to make sure that you find the best teachers and that you advertise their skills to show prospective pupil’s parents the variety of classes that you have to offer. All staff with their degrees and additional skills should be portrayed with an image on your school’s website. Any outstanding achievements or awards could also be listed.
Promote Your School’s Alumni
Current and former pupils can be a valuable asset to your school’s enrolment drives, as their achievements can be used to highlight the school’s dedication to excellence. Use their achievements to promote your school by including them on your website and in any other promotional materials that you offer, such as brochures and email newsletters. As the saying goes, a picture says a thousand words, so include images as well as statements to make a bigger impact on potential paying parents.
Running an independent school can be an expensive endeavour, and as such you have to make sure that your fees reflect this and that you achieve the enrolment numbers that you need to fund your work. Use these tips to boost your private school’s success after the Covid-19 pandemic over the coming years, no matter what happens.
Author Profile

- Shirley Owen is a blogger and writer who enjoys writing blogs on education, technology and general news. An avid reader, she follows all the latest news & developments to report on them through her articles.
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