Choosing Duolingo as a Language proficiency test for studying abroad can be a game changer for students.
This exam is gaining popularity for the right reasons, and it is making the path for students easy. DET exam has an adaptive format and short duration; its quick but comprehensive assessment of your English language skills makes it apt for students.
While the test evaluates your proficiency efficiently, managing your time effectively during the exam can significantly improve your performance.
Let’s dive into some key time management tips for the Duolingo English Test to make you score high.
1. Familiarize Yourself with the Test Structure
The first thing you need to do is get familiar with the test format. Understand the duration of the exam and how many sections there are. Because of its adaptive format, the test adjusts according to the difficulty level of the test taker. The test comprises four sections: reading, writing, speaking, and listening, all evaluated in a quick 60-minute session.
Here’s the breakdown:
- Introduction & Setup: 5 minutes
- Test Duration: 45 minutes
- Video Interview and Writing Sample: 10 minutes
Having a clear picture of each section allows you to distribute your time efficiently during the exam.
2. Use a Timer While Doing Practice
The Duolingo test is time-bounded, so pace yourself for each question. You can use a timer when practicing. For example, if a task requires describing an image in 30 seconds, stick to that time limit to build the habit of concise responses. By doing this, you can train yourself to respond under pressure.
3. Set Priority
Some sections of the DET, such as the writing and speaking tasks, are more critical in determining your final score. Prioritize mastering these sections during practice, requiring more focus and attention.
Once you know which section contributes more to your overall score, you can practice it more. This will prepare you mentally for the complexity of the exam.
4. Use Skim & Scan Technique In the Reading Section
In Duolingo’s reading tasks, you must fill in the blanks or identify the correct words in a passage. Besides reading every word in detail, use the skim-and-scan technique. First, go through the passage quickly, find the keywords, and then scan the answers. This approach not only saves time but also helps you quickly locate the important parts of the text.
5. Keep Your Responses Short
Follow the guidelines of the questions and do not respond extra to get higher marks, as it will result in wasting time. Do the following things:
- Keep answers concise: Avoid lengthy, detailed responses.
- Focus on clarity: Deliver clear and concise answers for speaking tasks.
- Avoid over-explaining: Over-explaining can waste time and increase mistakes.
- Use simple sentences: Stick to simple sentences with proper grammar and pronunciation.
- Avoid time traps: Focus on clarity and conciseness to avoid wasting time.
6. Focus On Questions & Avoid Overthinking In the Listening Section
While attempting the question of listening section, you must type the answer to what you hear, stay focused, and remember the context of what you heard. If you missed a word or two, move on, and do not get stuck on it. Overthinking can lead to delays, making you lose precious seconds. The goal is to capture the overall meaning and convey your understanding as best as possible.
7. Be Careful In Video Interviews
You can showcase your speaking and writing skills at the end of the Duolingo English Test. These skills do not directly impact your score but are essential for many institutions. Use the 10 minutes for these sections efficiently by delivering clear, organized answers in the interview and well-structured writing samples.
8. Practice On Mock Test – Most Important
Mock tests are a great way to simulate the real exam environment and improve your time management skills. These online tests will help you evaluate how well you manage your time and allow you to fine-tune your approach before the actual exam. You will be able to know your strengths and weaknesses.
9. Stay Calm Under Pressure
One of the biggest advantages of this test is its adaptive nature, so use it as an advantage. The difficulty level of questions increases as you perform better. This can create pressure as you progress, but staying calm is key to managing your time effectively. Remember, not every question needs perfection, so do not waste your time doing that.
To improve your practice and enhance your scores, you can use Gurully’s Online Platform for Duolingo Mock tests. These tests are curated by exam experts and use AI for advanced scoring. You will also get a knowledge zone to understand the question type properly. The mock test replicates the real-time exam, and it will help you understand the actual test environment.
Time management is a critical skill for succeeding in the Duolingo English Test. With its quick format and adaptive questions, knowing how to pace yourself can make all the difference between a good and a great score. By practicing with a timer, prioritizing high-scoring sections, and staying calm under pressure, you can ensure that you’re managing your time and making the most out of every minute.
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