Every student encounters trouble when it comes to studying, especially with a heavy workload, and overcoming all of it is just part of student life. Many think it takes a lot of willpower to get over this struggle but with the right mindset, everything can be conquered.
Tutors at Physics Café have observed many factors that can help to overcome the study problems. Below are some common problems that can affect one when studying:
Lack of Motivation
Having no or low motivation could be one of the biggest obstacles to overcome while studying and figuring out the reasons behind it could help. Common causes of it could be:
- Exhaustion and stress
- Task does not interest you
- You don’t enjoy the subject
- You dislike your teacher
- Packed schedule
- Not sleeping well or resting
- Fear of failure
Knowing the root of why you have a low level of motivation can help you tackle the issue. Find solutions, like putting up motivational quotes, sleeping early or being organised with good time management.
Social Media, friends, TV, games and plans besides studying could be one of the reasons why students have problems studying. Your productivity level might be low because you’re thinking about other things and it distracts you.
Find a good, conducive environment to study and limit all your socialising. For example, if you find it difficult to get work done at home, try going to a library or someplace quiet. Creating the right space for yourself will make it easier for you to overcome these distractions you have.
You may be away from distractions, but it does not mean you can concentrate. You could still zone out and be unable to begin with your studying because your mind is elsewhere. Procrastinating is one symptom. Similar to lack of motivation, you probably cannot concentrate because you have something on your mind.
Maybe you don’t know where to begin because you feel too overwhelmed by the workload in front of you. You can try breaking the tasks down to smaller bits, and divide your assignment into parts so that it is easier for you to achieve your “goal”. Find the appropriate learning style for yourself – do you prefer to be alone or study in a group? Try out different study methods and follow the one that is most suitable and enjoyable for you.
It is also possible that you cannot concentrate because you have been working too hard.
Give yourself time to rest. Try to exercise or talk to someone and free your mind before you start studying. If there is something bothering you, talk to your school counsellor or a trusted adult, it could help widen your perception.
Retainment of Facts & Figures
At some point, every student would have complained about how difficult it is to remember all the information needed to answer the exam questions. It is not easy trying to remember for one subject, much less multiple subjects. Listen and pay attention during class, follow the lesson carefully, make notes in an organised manner with apps like Evernote and you will feel on top of your game.
If you struggle to retain necessary information, write it down until you remember without looking, do notes or flash cards, draw mind maps. Doing things multiple times could help you remember them. For more memorisation hacks check some memorization techniques worthy testing by clicking on the image on the side.
Limited Interest in Subject
It is likely that you may come across a subject you don’t enjoy, merely because you find it boring or you aren’t good at it. It could seem like it’s not going to be a useful subject in the long-run. Not liking your teacher or having an uninspiring teacher could be one reason. A change of mindset is needed.
Think long-term, you wouldn’t want to have a difficult time trying to get into the schools you want. The subjects are being taught in school to teach you skills you can apply in the future even if it may be irrelevant in your career. If a bad grade in the subject puts you off, you can spend more time on it to get better at it. Once you get a hang of it, you’ll start to enjoy it more.
Inefficient Resources
Having access to the right resources is important, be it books, equipment or a teacher. You may need laptops or other instruments to help you complete your revision. Talk to your tutor or fellow students, find out what kinds of resources you need to identify to help enhance your learning. There’s a wealth of online learning resources available these days, so make sure to do a thorough search.
Time Management
Good time management is important, especially when you are struggling to meet deadlines or balance your workload. You may feel overwhelmed and when you don’t have good time management skills, you might often stay up late to complete assignments or study. Have a list of what you need to do or finish up. Finish your homework as soon as you can and be more disciplined with your routine. Maximise your time and allocate periods of the day to each subject. Check our top time management apps for students for help.
Most of these study problems can be solved with a positive and growth mindset. Draw up a schedule, make good use of your time and take regular breaks when needed instead of forcing yourself to study. This should lead to a more effective approach to learning and studying.
Author Profile

- Shirley Owen is a blogger and writer who enjoys writing blogs on education, technology and general news. An avid reader, she follows all the latest news & developments to report on them through her articles.
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