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How to Learn A Level Biology: 5 Simple and Effective Strategies

How to Learn A Level Biology

The Higher 2 (H2) science subjects are the central pieces of the Singaporean science curriculum at the A-Level. Here we discuss how to learn A level biology.

Here students learn the science of life on a systems level from Primary 3 to 6, on a physiological level from lower secondary to O Level, then at a cellular and molecular level at A Level. This is comparable to the learning in STEM subjects in the United Kingdom.

Upon reaching the A Level, a student is expected to be able to have a good grasp of what they have learned thus far and that they will be able to apply their previous knowledge as they tackle life on a more microscopic level.

For British expats with children that are about to take on Biology for the A Levels in Singapore, here are some simple and effective strategies on how to prepare them best.

1. Set a Schedule for studying Biology

Set a Schedule for studying BiologyFirst and foremost, biology would demand time and attention. To conquer A Level Biology, you should set a study schedule where your child would be able to dedicate their attention and focus. During this time, your child should be free from distractions and should be equipped with the right resources so they are able to study effectively.

2. Find the learning Tool that works for your Child

Find the learning Tool that works for your ChildAs much as there are many different learning styles, there is also a myriad of learning tools available – even for biology. You and your child must work together to find the right learning tool for them.

To some students, making their own biology flashcards helps as not only will it be used later on for quizzing oneself, but the act of doing it helps in recalling the concepts they are writing and learning about.

Another common learning tool is note taking and writing down what they read, or even summarizing what they have read. It’s really a matter of finding methods and resources for learning that work for your child.

3. Find Opportunities for your Child to discuss or present what they learn

Find Opportunities for your Child to discuss or present what they learnActively communicating one’s knowledge of a subject, including Biology, helps the child recall the topic. Find opportunities where your child may be able to present to you, and then you can ask questions later to confirm their knowledge of the subject matter. Work together with your child during times when they have problems in elaborating a thought or are unable to answer your questions. This will also help to build their confidence.

4. Work with Practice Exams

Work with Practice ExamsA Level Biology comes with learning assessments to gauge your child’s understanding of the course. It is ideal to expose your child to various practice exams in subjects like Biology on a regular basis so they will become familiar with the usual topics and questions that they will face when taking official assessments. Your child would also be made aware of the format of the A Level exams so they will not be taken by surprise and feel ready and confident.

5. Seek Professional Help

Seek Professional HelpThe first 4 strategies are helpful in their own right. But if you want to identify the best strategy in helping your child master A Level Biology in Singapore, it is advisable to consult experts such as A Level Biology tuition services. British expat parents who may not have as much experience with Singapore’s education system will receive helpful information and advice about country-specific academic requirements.

The specialists in A Level Biology tuition know how to best apply the first 4 strategies, and would take it up a notch, further boosting your child’s education. They are also equipped with the necessary credentials, resources, and tools to teach biology to your child so that you will be sure that they get adequate guidance to learn Biology and other sciences on a deeper level.

Why Is Note Taking Crucial For The Modern Learner In the Tech Era?

Why is Note Taking Crucial For The Modern Learner In 2021

Note taking is often underestimated hence why in this article we highlight the role it plays in creating deeper connections between students and their learning and in which ways. Here we learn why is note taking crucial for the modern learner.

What do we mean when we talk about learning?

How do we define it, and how can we understand the process behind it better?

Can we improve it?

With emerging technologies impacting the way we study and learn; it is time to redefine what a modern learner is. We’ll look specifically at how note taking impacts learning.

Learning isn’t just another Word for Remembering

Learning isn’t just another word for Remembering“Learning is an act of curiosity and transformation. It is the powerful lever between your current world and a new world where you have a new experience.”

Charlotte Crowther, Learning Expert & Advocate

Simply remembering information isn’t the end goal of learning. And in the connected digital age, it’s become less important than ever. With the ability to draw upon an unlimited library of information through the internet, we don’t need to absorb information as personal knowledge anymore; our smartphones can do that for us.

The faith we have on the internet as the source of all knowledge is increasing. In a paper published in 2012, it was found that 44% of students consult Google if they want help with coursework, versus only 36% seeking out a faculty member. In the years following, this gap has undoubtedly widened further.

The dominance of the internet can cause us to forget its presence (and power). As one researcher put it, ‘online practices have been part of young people’s lives since birth and, much like oxygen, water, or electricity, are assumed to be a basic condition of modern life.

“‘With the development of technology, our access to knowledge is different, so the demand on our skill of learning is different’”

– Charlotte Crowther

What does this mean?

What does this meanModern learning has a new emphasis.

True learning in 2021 is a process of understanding and digesting content, making new, personal connections along the way, with the rote memorization of info being only a small part of it.

In fact, modern learning is just as much about filtering out information as it is absorbing it. With endless streams of content facing learners, the key to the development of an effective learning process is finding an antidote to information overload.

Learners must find the gems – the truly valuable and reliable pieces of insight – and use them to move from comprehension of the material to application beyond it.

In short, it’s about creating something new.

Creating new Connections

Creating new ConnectionsBy the time students leave college, we want them to be able to apply what they’ve learned to the outside world. That’s why understanding the learning process and helping students navigate it is so important.

To recap:

  • Learning is a journey; from comprehension to creation, a learner’s relationship with new material shifts and changes as their grasp of it strengthen.
  • Designing learning and note taking should account for this journey, especially given that…
  • Learning doesn’t just come from the text on a page or words that were spoken in a class.

“‘Learning how to learn is a meta and super skill which applies to all aspects and stages of our life – from learning how to walk to learning how to build friendships, to learning how to care for a child, to learning a new career. Students having the experience of the learning process, and the skills and approach best suited for each stage will help them navigate the adventure of life!’”

– Charlotte Crowther

Information is fluid & comes in many Forms

Information is fluid & comes in Many FormsIf we want students to journey towards deep learning, we need to be aware of how to achieve it.

What can educators and support staff do to strengthen these connections between learner and class content to teach more career skills?

Here are a few points to consider:

  • Learners access information in a variety of ways. A lot of this information is consumed in an ambient way, through social media, digital learning platforms, and other means.
  • Great changes to education in 2020 have seen most students learn through video, live, and recorded, for the first time.
  • Learners need to be able to make use of more dynamic approaches and tools to fit the climate.
  • This is where note taking has a huge impact on the learning process.

Enter: Note Taking

Despite everything that’s changed in teaching over the decades, one thing’s remained constant. Students still use notes to structure their learning.

But if you were to visualize a set of notes, you’d probably picture the same thing as someone asked to do so 30 years ago. The only difference might be the use of a laptop rather than a real notepad.

When thinking about modern learning, however, note taking is the missing piece of the puzzle.

Why all the Fuss about Note Taking?

Why all the fuss about Note TakingGood note taking is just like learning itself. To take good notes is to follow a process that leads to true, individual understanding.

A good note taker not only captures the information they need from a lecture or class but works with those notes in a way that makes them incredibly effective study tools after the class.

In effect, they move through the learning process by taking notes.

But, as every student discovers, note taking is hard. Very hard. In fact, one study claims ‘note taking can be as cognitively demanding as expert chess playing’.

Part of the problem comes down to the live stream of information students receive in a lecture.

The Problem with Notes

The Problem with NotesYou can’t pause a professor. You can’t immediately know what pieces of information to prioritize in your notes. And there’s always a trade-off between trying to get down as much as possible and focusing on absorbing the content at the moment.

But, as one student told us, ‘Everything the professor says is essential’. Not necessarily because everything spoken in a classroom is going to be important for everyone in it, but because the need to select things to note down will necessarily involve having to choose things to leave out.

What taking effective Notes means for Learning?

What taking effective Notes means for LearningThe important thing to understand is that note taking has two core functions.

One is the storage of information. This describes the act of preserving material for later.

The second is encoding. This function describes the immediate benefit of taking notes in the first place – the benefit that’s immediately gained from the act.

Effective note taking means getting the most from both of these functions in a way that aids the movement from understanding the content to applying it.

In a wide-ranging review of note taking research, 17 of 22 important studies found that reviewing notes resulted in higher test performance. The problem here is that if students aren’t recording enough material in class, they’re not leaving themselves enough information to review afterward that they may not find elsewhere.

Having a structured approach to note taking is therefore crucial.

Hopefully, you are more enlightened about how note taking can be used to foster deep personal connections between students and their course content.

With an awareness of what a modern learner is and how note taking technology can help scaffold the learning process and make student independence more accessible than ever, you should be able to utilize this knowledge for your own learning benefits.

5 Best Games To Learn Coding For Free From Home As A Family

5 Best Games To Learn Coding For Free From Home As A Family

Coding used to be all work and no play. Thankfully that has now changed. Coding is now seen as a pastime or a hobby that might one day change to a promising vocation.

If nothing else, an understanding of coding through the best games to learn coding allows the development of logical thinking and learning coding languages such as Python. This helps children to develop the digital and career skills that will be required by the future workforce.

What can be more fun than an evening spent playing the best coding games with your kids?

Think of it as an activity such as playing Monopoly – just more modern and keeping with the times.

Video games are the perfect gamified atmosphere for kids to learn new skills. The accumulation of points provides motivation to learn more and perfect the craft. Moreover, you ensure that your offspring are engaged productively and not wasting time on social media or scrolling through endless hours of YouTube videos.

5 Best Games that up your and your Kids’ Programming Skills

1. SQL Murder Mystery

SQL Murder MysterySQL or Structured Query Language is used extensively for manipulating databases. The SQL Murder Mystery starts with a story about a murder and a lost crime scene report.

The player is given the date 15th January 2018 and the place SQL City where the crime happened.

The first table that helps is the crime_scene_report from where the name and address of witnesses are extracted, and the game proceeds through a series of queries.

To progress in the investigation, the detective must ask the correct question, seek its answer from the available database and proceed to the next clue.

It is not only a programming tutorial but also a sort of augmented reality-based learning.

To its credit, the game is fast-paced, engaging, and quite addictive.

Skills taught with SQL Murder Mystery

You and your child can develop a great understanding of databases and how information is stored, and that helps in several professions from finance to market research analysts or cloud computing as more and more data is processed by computers and machines.

2. Elevator Saga

Elevator SagaThe gamer must program a set of elevators to carry the maximum number of people to the specified floors with minimum trips.

The gameplay is through JavaScript and starts at Level 1 and goes all the way through 18. These are known as challenges, and almost all of them are solved on GitHub.

But that is the last resort. Unlike SQL Murder Mystery, Elevator Saga is more of a riddle challenge and optimization problem.

Skills taught with Elevator Saga

Most of the work that programmers do is to solve problems and make a fixed input produce maximum output. Unfortunately, the idea that most people have of programming is of whiz kids typing lines of codes on monitors and hacking banks.

Programming is very often quantitative, and through Elevator Saga, a learner comes face to face with problems very similar to real life.

The trick is not only to write the code but also to learn to debug and compress it to as few lines as possible. The game extensively uses “true/false” and “if/then” steps that are handy tools in all programming languages.

3. Screeps

ScreepsOnce you have mastered Elevator Saga, it is time to learn a little bit of AI. After all, what can be cooler than saying – I was programming AI avatars with my kid?

Screeps is an acronym for “scripting creeps.”

Everything starts in your own “canyon,” and nothing will happen until you begin scripting in Java. It is a bit like playing God. You get to set up the colony, create workers, direct their tasks, and watch what they do.

Skills taught with Screeps

Some prior knowledge of JavaScript is needed. But the cool thing is, as the player proceeds, they can find how much more sophisticated their coding becomes.

Now for more fun. You can also open your server – that is, start your own game to invite friends. The game is in MMO format sandbox, and more participants make it merrier.

The Screeps site has plenty of written documentation about FAQs, how-to articles, and API.

4. Flexbox Defense

Flexbox DefenseWebsites are the backbone of the internet, and CSS is the backbone of websites. CSS or Cascading Style Sheets place HTML (HyperText Markup Language) elements on responsive web pages.

Flexbox is a part of the CSS 3 design that allows elements of a webpage to be laid out perfectly irrespective of the screen size.

Skills taught with Flexbox Defense

Flexbox Defense is a tower defense game that makes the player understand the effectiveness of grids and axis through a turret shooting game theme.

The game has been developed by Channing Allen and requires no installation. Just open the browser, point it at the URL, and start coding. Bear in mind that this game is more suitable for children with previous coding knowledge.

5. Minecraft

MinecraftIt is the most well-known sandbox game made by none other than Majong and Microsoft. It can be equally enjoyed regardless of age because even young children can learn with Minecraft. It is for good reason that it has been ported to every major gaming platform and has 220 million subscribers, making it the most popular game of all time.

The gameplay revolves around picking up blocks and creating three-dimensional objects – from a house to a city.

The game has five modes – survival, hardcore, creative, adventure, and spectator, and the variations of programming can last years.

What makes Minecraft so appealing is a large number of tutorials, here’s one to get you started from the experts at ClickDo.

In addition, from Github to Reddit, there are communities that are thousands strong and make learning this game a cooperative effort.

Skills taught with Minecraft

Minecraft is a sandbox game that makes the player create an animated and virtual realm for their gameplay.

Minecraft’s virtual world-building platform offers much more than just learning to code in different languages such as SQL, Python, JavaScripting, and CSS. It also teaches communication and social skills as players have to collaborate in groups to build worlds together. Players learn other digital skills like internet etiquette when chatting to others online, how to keep safe online, and basic computing skills like downloading files for example.

However, bear in mind that this game is more suitable for children with previous coding knowledge.

Play Them All

You would have noted that our list has no overlaps. Each of them requires a specific coding skill, from SQL and JavaScripting to CSS.

Hence, we cannot say one is better because each brings you a different aspect of coding. However, what is apparent to the reviewer is that they are a lot of fun interspersed with excellent skills that are invaluable in real life.

Of course, not all of them are free, and neither is that fair to expect considering the amount of work that has gone into creating them.

The most expensive is Minecraft, priced at $27, and that is certainly not a high price to pay for the hours of entertainment and education. Plus, schools may be able to offer their students free access to Minecraft, if they have the subscription.

6 Ways to Spend Time Productively as a University Student

6 Ways to Spend Time Productively as a University Student

Life as a university fresher or student could be daunting, full of surprises, and an explorative phase balled into one exhilarating experience. It is crucial to spend time productively to build your network and define your career in the future. University life can likewise be fun and a student’s playground; each student must make his stay worthwhile.

1. Student Life Goals

Student Life GoalsWe are all life students. As a university student, the main goal is to find your passion, achieve high grades for it, meet interesting people along the way, take care of yourself, have a blast, and graduate with an eager and positive outlook to apply your university learnings. However, there are clever methods you can utilize to increase your productivity and experience balanced college life. You can research some tips for effective online learning, how to identify the best UK universities and cities to study and how to find the most suitable student accommodation to enhance your student experience.

2. Planning and Organization is Key

Planning and Organization is KeyPlanning is half the job done. Make use of diaries, notebooks, lists, calendars, or an application daily. Tasks must be divided into hours, days, months, and categories. There are free organization and management applications that would do the trick. Planning life events and weekend trips are fundamental aspects of student life, and so are setting deadlines and attending group studies and huddles.

3. Take intermittent Breaks

Take intermittent BreaksIncreased productivity can be attributed to taking regular breaks. Procrastination leads to cramming. Students who are bombarded with information in a limited period often do not perform well and do not retain information efficiently. Regular breaks such as playing online crossword puzzles can provide that mental break from a student’s routine life that you need to lessen brain fatigue and stress. Crossword puzzles reset the mind and therefore increase work output. These puzzles are also available at different levels and will challenge your mental prowess. Therefore, even if you’re taking a break, you continue learning. It’s still a smart use of time.

4. Healthy Lifestyle Maintenance

Healthy Lifestyle MaintenanceA healthy diet and at least 8 hours of sleep are student essentials in achieving optimum brain function. In addition, it is integral to keep energy levels high to make studying productive, keeping a relaxed mind, and stress management. Students can also make use of herbal supplements that can improve focus, stamina, and productivity.

5. Time Management

Time Management for Spend Time ProductivelyTime management is an art and a habit that should be built at an early stage of life. It influences your efficiency from adult or online learning to assume professional roles in the future. Tracking your hours and breaking down significant projects into manageable individual tasks are the building blocks of time management. In this way, allocating time blocks per task can be helpful in accurately predicting how long it will take you to review, draft essays, create a review, study for an examination or answer a survey. Making this a habit can prevent time wastage and give a sense of productivity as a student.

6. Set Deadlines

Set DeadlinesOnce a project is broken down into more straightforward tasks, the next step is to set a deadline for yourself to indicate milestones of a project. Deadline completion gives a sense of fulfillment and progress that is an intrinsic requirement of any senior post. In addition, setting deadlines prevent procrastination, which is an enemy of productivity.

These 6 tips are proven helpful for an improved work-life balance in students and adult learning. They encourage positive habits that can be applied in the future. They also enforce the importance of a healthy physical and mental state, which is vital for building a successful and lasting career in lucrative industries. Lastly, they highlight how crucial rest and breaks are for increased productivity among students.

5 Ways to Keep Students Motivated to Learn with 3D Modelling

Motivate Students to Learn 3D Modeling

3D modelling is a technique in computer graphics for producing a 3-dimensional digital representation of any object or surface. Nowadays, the use of 3D models has increased a lot with a wide variety of software to use.

3D modelling finds uses in various industries such as engineering, movies, games, construction, education, and many more. In education, the use of 3D modelling is increasing because it has a lot of advantages.

How to Keep Students Motivated to Learn with 3D Modeling3D modelling is a new and attractive way of teaching and learning with the use of technology. Teachers and students can create 3D models of different objects to learn about their features or even animate them. Students like to watch and use 3D objects and models hence why it is vital for teaching staff to know how to use 3D modelling in class.

Online or digital 3D modelling has not yet been widely used in education and students mostly learn by using 2D models on their digital devices or for printing. With new technologies such as 3D printers and 3D modelling software emerging, schools can introduce such new concepts, if they have the necessary resources and the staff have been trained in the use.

3D modelling and printing can move objects out of the computer screen and into the real physical world, and then into the hands of students for inspection, analysis, and other processes.

Examples of how Teachers and Students can use 3D Modelling and 3D Printing

  • Chemistry students explore 3D prints of elements and molecules to investigate their structural properties.
  • Biology students can use 3D printers to print out models of cells, viruses, and other biological artefacts for a better understanding.
  • Anatomy students can print out 3D models of bones to learn basic anatomy.
  • Graphic design students can print out the 3D version of their drawings, templates, and different artworks.
  • Geography students can print out topography, demographic, or population maps.
  • Mathematics students can create 3D mathematics models to conceptualize their properties further.

Examples of how teachers and students can use 3D modeling and 3D printingThese are some ways teachers and students can use 3D modelling in class for better understanding. However, when using 3D modelling software with a digital device, students learn additional digital skills like computing, computer navigation, and basic coding for example.

To create 3D models with a computer, students and teachers will need 3D modelling software that offers digital tools for creating attractive 3D models.

There are many 3D modelling programs available, some paid and free versions, but not all are suitable or recommended for students of different ages or abilities. Before choosing a 3D modelling software for students, there are some factors teachers need to consider.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a 3D Modelling Software for Students

  1. Ease of use: Because students don’t have experience in 3D modelling, it’s essential to choose a 3D modelling software that they can get started with easily, like SelfCAD. With SelfCAD, the students can get started much more effortlessly, and within just a few weeks of learning, they can begin to create attractive models.
  2. Ability to create both simple and complex models: Some of the available software is easy to use, but unfortunately, they do not allow users to create complex models. A good example is TinkerCAD. It is popular because the students can create basic models with ease, but designing complex models is challenging due to a lack of advanced features. However, it can still be used to help introduce 3D modelling to students, but if you want to create complex models, we recommend using SelfCAD.
  3. The program should run on the cloud: Because it’s complex and challenging to download and install. Hence having a program running on the cloud is advantageous, and if the program has both online and offline modes, it is even better so that students can access it from anywhere.
  4. An all-in-one program is ideal: The students should not have to juggle between programs. For example, after designing their models, if they would like to slice or animate their objects, they should not have to switch to another program. This is important when working in the classroom setting.

These are some factors to consider before choosing a 3D modelling software for students because the software is an essential part of the whole 3D modelling learning experience; if the software is not easy to use and is not user-friendly, students will find it challenging to use as well as teachers.

5 Ways to Support Student Learning & Engagement with 3D Modelling

1. Improves Creativity

How 3D Modeling can Support Student Learning & Engagement

When planning any lesson, teachers can creatively use 3D modelling for any subject as mentioned previously. Students can design a specific model using 3D modelling software or they can animate them. They can even create fantasy characters or objects and design a scene to then present it in class. This can help improve their creativity.

2. Prepares Students for the Future

Learning how to design a specific model and even 3D print it is a skill that will be required in the near future. As 3D printing becomes more advanced, it will be accessible to many businesses to produce their own products. Learning how to design and print 3D models that are functional in the real world will enable students to learn the art of solving problems and finding solutions.

3. Improves Creative Thinking Skills

Because 3D modelling is more practical and involves one thinking out of the box in order to design a model from start to finish, it helps improve student’s creativity. The students will also enjoy the lessons, and there will be no boredom at all as they test their models and compare them.

4. Makes Learning Fun

3D models will make learning fun because they will make the learning process exciting and attractive by empowering students to create something by themselves. Working in teams will make the process more interactive and social and competitions between teams offer additional excitement.

5. Creates Excitement

3D modelling offers students the ability to experience their project work hands-on. They learn practically, which creates both excitement and a better understanding of any subject and topic, encouraging students to not lose interest.

3D modelling makes the process of learning more attractive, and it helps students to engage in learning better. It can be used as a method of learning in all subjects of the curriculum and with most ability levels as long as students are computer literate and have basic computing skills.

Most 3D modelling software would therefore be suitable for children from key stage 1 onwards, but teachers will be required to be trained in using the software adequately with different year groups for the best learning outcomes and the schools will need to have adequate IT equipment for students.

There are no limits to enhancing student’s creativity in the classroom with tools that help them express themselves and even collaborate online to create art work.

Ways Modern Technology Improves Parent Teacher Relationships


A parent’s involvement in their child’s schooling always has a great impact on that child’s academic success.

In other words, clear and effective two way communications between both the parents and teachers are imperative not only to the academic excellence of the child but also their mental health.

However, with family life constantly evolving, parents often have multiple commitments on top of their full-time workload. This can make parent-teacher meetings less likely. But as imperative as it is for parents and teachers to meet, the new age of technology has found multiple ways for teachers and parents to communicate, without necessarily having to step into the same room.

The Importance of Parent Teacher Communication

Parents are some of the best teachers and role models that a child can have, which makes it vital for parents to take an active interest in their children’s academic life. There is also a lot of evidence and research that shows that children whose parents take an active interest in their academic life perform better than most students.

Other than their academic performance, positive relationships with teachers will also greatly improve the mental health and stability of their children, making it all the more important for you to keep positive relations with your children’s teachers.

What is Good Communication between Parents and Teachers?

From the start, both the student’s parents as well as the teachers should establish clear methods of communication, and communicate frequently. Every year teachers should decide along with parents how they will communicate with them as well as on what days they will communicate.

Throughout this decision-making process, both the teacher and the parent will also have to decide on the form of communication as well to streamline things. While most parents prefer the tried and true face-to-face meetings, many parents cannot often make the time to meet teachers. This is why schools and other institutions are leveraging various other forms of communication with the help of present day technology.

Forms Of Communication Most Institutions Use:
Radio or Podcasts:
Radios and podcasts are a great form of communication that only a handful of schools have developed to stay in contact with parents. It is also the simplest, yet most powerful medium that some schools in the United States are using to great effect.

These radio channels and podcasts discuss issues regarding the school or schooling system in general while conveying messages from specific schools to parents who are listening. The podcast doesn’t have to be a professional project, but a student driven podcast dedicated to spreading information to parents who take an active interest in their child’s life.
The biggest benefit is that parents can listen to the podcast on the go and learn more about the day to day process of the school. These podcasts can also be a virtual window into the classroom of your child, as the hosts explain the events at the school day.


Blogs have also been a very effective medium when it comes to connecting parent with teachers. Blogs give parents an inside view of the classroom and allow parents to receive information about the school day at their own pace.

While you might be thinking that blogs are incredibly one-sided, that isn’t the case with every blog. Some blogs encourage comments, which make the blog feel less like a lecture and more like a conversation. The blog can also be a great conversation starter for families and helps parents’ to keep track of their child’s academic progress.

Moreover, a class blog does not just help parents keep track of how well their child is doing; rather they can also see how their syllabus is coming along and if the general class is having trouble with a given subject, which is important.

Email Newsletters or Letters:

With so many people now relying on emails for essential information, schools are starting to take advantage of this and are connecting better with parents.
Although most schools still send applications and letters through students in the hopes that it reaches their parents, other schools are sending these letters directly to parents via email. Not only is this way of sending emails more reliable and much more instantaneous, but thanks to their format they can be a lot more personalized and private.
Using these letters will also allow parents to reply to the teachers and talk to them about the contents of the letter.

Social Media:

Unlike the other forms of communications, social media is a very good tool that most institutions are already using to their fullest.

Social media is one of the biggest advertising platforms for every type of business or institute, including schools. Schools continually update their social media to show how their curriculum is going as well as how their students are coping with the said curriculum.

Social media essentially helps schools advertise themselves as well as create a platform for parents to talk and place their complaints about the school actively. Social media applications, like Snapchat and Instagram, also allow parents to get an in-depth look at the school daily.

Parent Teacher Communication Is Faster And More Accessible Through Technology

Building strong relationships between teachers and parents has never been easier thanks to the technology readily available to both parties. With the help of these communication methods, parents are starting to place more trust in the school system, and the school is getting much better feedback from the parents, directly.

You can find out more information about related topics on our blog:

4 Top Benefits of Private Tutors working together with Teachers


3 Creative Ways for Teachers to use Google Forms for Google Forms Quizzes or Google Forms Surveys and more

Author Bio

Anne Baron is highly experienced educator, writer and copywriter specializing in academic research. She has a Ph.D. in Educational Administration with almost 25 years of experience in teaching and academic writing. She spent a dozen years managing a large college peer-tutoring program and another dozen years in the classroom teaching college students. She has since retired from teaching and devotes her time and efforts to freelance writing for institutions, businesses and colleges like Patrick Henry College.

How EdTech and the Internet has Made Education More Accessible


The United Nations’ fourth Sustainable Development Goal recognizes education as a fundamental human right. Access to equitable education is the key to providing livelihoods and opportunities for sustainable development and advancement of societies worldwide. Thanks to technology and the internet, more people can explore educational opportunities.

Students can advance their skills from any location, a factor that has proven to be a significant advantage to female children, kids and adults with learning disabilities, and learners who wish to advance their qualifications.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (AV)

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality tools make learning fun with interactive features to make the materials interesting and easy to understand. Adding games and audio and visual graphics along with animation makes the courses more engaging. Kids with neurological and speech issues can choose methods and approaches that are suitable to their abilities.

A good example is online speech therapy, where children practice reciting poems, singing songs, reading words, and exercising their facial and vocal muscles to develop speech skills. Among the many benefits is that parents need not take time off from work and regular tasks to bring their kids to therapy. Expert Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) can connect with them using video chats and provide training at home.

Technologies and Sight in the Classroom

Technology has also brought major changes to learners who are visually impaired or blind. Textbooks with a large font or braille text have never been available in large numbers. Now, ebooks and screen readers make it easier to adapt any text.

There are countless additional tools and programs that make vision-dependant tasks accessible without sight, allowing the kids who need them to feel more confident and comfortable in any classroom. Small audio exam players can let a kid choose and listen to test questions through headphones alongside peers who are reading the same content of a paper.

Acquiring Certification Online


Technological advancements have made it possible for learners to train in courses that suit their innate talents and interests. Not only can they study at an individual pace, but they can also complete the required number of hours and take the online exams.

Certification is available both in digital form, and hard copies are mailed to the students. Students can also use online tools to help them study for the tests. These apps can be accessed using mobile phones and tablets to take mock exams, such as the ATI TEAS practice test, which is similar to the actual quizzes. Learners can evaluate their knowledge of the materials and identify the areas where they need to work harder.

Not only are these digital tools easily access and adaptable, they also remove barriers to mobility and transportation.

EdTech Is Accessible Using a Combination of Online and Offline Methods

Advanced Educational Technology (EdTech) tools are accessible to students even if they don’t have an active internet connection. Teachers can access the materials online, record them, and provide them to the students. Plug-in learning systems can support 40 or more laptops and tablets over Wi-Fi with a single device. Any person who wishes to study can take advantage of the available courses without the need for an active internet connection.

This feature can prove to be a huge positive for learners in rural and remote areas. The classes are interactive and adapt to the learning capabilities of the students accessing them. Best of all, the materials can be downloaded into devices that children can bring home.

Using the internet to impart education to students worldwide has opened up new avenues for advancing skills and acquiring accreditation for gainful employment. Educators now recognize the many benefits of technology and employ it to make learning accessible for more kids and adults in any location.

New Levels of Interest in Advancing Technology

Advanced TechnologyFrom 2020 to 2021, many students spent a year or more in a completely virtual classroom. This sudden and dramatic rise in technological use has spurred the development of EdTech for all students.

Many video call platforms released or updated their live closed captioning abilities. For kids who had previously depended on the ability to read lips, the inconsistent quality and small size of streaming videos was otherwise a major concern.

In addition to live streaming improvements, recorded classes have some other benefits for students who are deaf or hearing impaired. Videos introduce the ability to stop and go back if a child doesn’t fully understand instructions or information on the first listen.

The Future of EdTech Accessibility

As technology continues to advance, EdTech accessibility will grow as well. The learners of the future will be able to benefit from a variety of technologies that already exist, are under development, or haven’t even been invented yet. From augmented reality to virtual reality and long-distance learning, the years to come will include many opportunities.


How to Prepare for your First Day as a University Fresher?

prepare for your first day as a university fresher

University is a new stage of life for a young person, which causes a lot of anxiety or uncertainty but also excitement. Most often it involves a university fresher to change location, meet new people, and start a completely different life and learning model.

However, the first day of university does not have to be as difficult as it may seem. If you prepare well, you will be able to fit right into your new environment.

What do you need to know before embarking on your university fresher adventure?

Familiarise yourself with University Schedules, Rooms, and Subjects

Familiarize yourself with University Schedule, Rooms, and SubjectsBefore starting your first day of university, it is a good idea to focus on learning a bit about organizational issues.

This will eliminate ambiguity, give you more courage and prevent you from getting lost due to information overload. Start by carefully examining your schedule and finding your halls or classrooms. Remember that you can only make a first impression once, and the better you start, the easier your next steps will be.

Study the schedules, familiarise yourself with the layout of the university building and read the profiles of your professors and the course outline.

Do not stop at reading course materials – go the extra mile and be informed about your subject of study. It is not about careful analysis of details but simply becoming more familiar with them. Looking at your professors is also a good idea – you can read about their work and achievements. Doing so will boost your self-confidence, since uncertainty breeds concern and fear.

Also, plan your route to university in advance and check out exactly where classes are held. Being late draws the attention of the professor and the group, which may cause unnecessary confusion.

Work out how to get Credits through Exams and Preparing for Classes

Work out how to get Credits through Exams and Preparing for ClassesWhen you go to university, you must follow a new way of grading student work and getting credits, while the familiar rules you grew accustomed to at school no longer apply.

Universities assign different importance to subjects and divide them into several types, and their procedures may vary. Some courses end with an exam, while others simply require your attendance. How you get credit for classes most commonly depends on the guidelines of individual professors, who describe the rules in detail on the first day and in the course outline.

You will find out about the form of learning in each subject and what to do to prepare. The key subjects usually require you to pass a written or oral exam. Often, classes also require you to prepare a special project in the form of a presentation, essay, or other written work. You may be required to get credits through independent work or by collaborating with a larger group of students.

The novelty of the situation and abundance of information often makes it difficult to comprehend in full. Prepare a notepad and something to write with to take detailed notes – write down all the detailed terms and conditions, as well as instructions given by the professor. By doing so, you can always refer to your notes to address any doubts you may have. Also, do not be afraid to ask any questions that occur to you. It is better to find the courage and talk to the professor instead of making wrong assumptions.

And for the professors, it is also a good opportunity to get to know their students better and put a name to a face.

Be Open to Meeting New People as a University Fresher

Be Open to Meeting New PeopleStudent life is not just about studying, getting credits, and growing intellectually. Remember, it is also an opportunity to meet new friends, form real friendships, and even find a partner for the rest of your life or network for future work opportunities.

A change of environment is an opportunity to broaden your horizons and open a new chapter. Students taking their first steps in university life face many challenges and difficulties that are much easier to overcome in a larger group than on their own. It is good to have a circle of close friends with whom you can talk between classes, prepare for exams, or have a good time outside of the university.

Starting university is your first opportunity to meet new people who will accompany you throughout the next few years of studies and work. Arrive at the university early so you can take a good look at the situation and find friendly faces in the crowd. Do not forget to smile and be friendly – it makes networking much easier.

You may find that someone you just connected with will become your long-term friend. However, this is not the only form of making your first acquaintances – even before arriving at the university, you can find student groups associated with the given area of study or faculty on the Internet. This is a wonderful icebreaker and a way of entering this new reality. Also, do not miss freshers’ trips and parties, which are a great method of meeting new people.

Plan Your Way to University as a University Fresher

Plan Your Way to University as university fresherThe decision to go to university is not just about submitting the required documents and starting your studies. Where you will live is also important, so it is best to decide as early as possible to find a perfect student accommodation close to the university. The closer to the start of the academic year, the more people are looking and the fewer options to choose from.

When looking for accommodation, you need to consider not only your budget but also how far you will need to go to get to your classes. If the university is very far away, long commutes will cost you a lot of time and money. Studying is not the only thing young people live for, so it is also important to check if there are any cafés, clubs, and cultural attractions in the area and whether it is safe.

Not only is the area you live in important, but also the type of accommodation and the facilities. You can rent a private apartment or choose to rent a room in halls of residence.

New models of co-living and co-working have also entered the rental market for students such as BaseCamp and if you are considering studying abroad in Poland’s third-largest city, for example, the BaseCamp private student dormitory in Łódź at ul. Rembielińskiego is an interesting alternative just a 5-minute walk from the Technical University of Lodz.

Apart from comfortable rooms equipped with kitchenettes, decorated with designer furniture, and a private bathroom you will also have access to a communal gym, cinema, and communal study areas where additional community events and parties are held. This makes BaseCamp a perfect place for students at an affordable rate.


The 10 Key Career Skills that are crucial for Success


In life, one of the biggest commitments we humans undertake is our work.

It is more than just a means of earning money, it’s our passion, our motivation and a successful career is what we strive to achieve in our lifetime.

Whichever field you may work in, if the work does not give you joy, pride and purpose then it is just a means of earning money.

Over the course of your career, you will be required to acquire a number of job skills that will help build your career and ultimately take you to the fulfilment of your hopes and dreams, especially when starting a new job.

What Skills must one acquire for successful Career Development?


Over the course of our lives, we will learn a variety of life and work skills. These skills can be categorized into 6 different skill types, each important for your career and its successful development.

  • Labour Skills – Skills required for practical and hands-on professions such as brewers, masons, electricians, carpenters, decorators etc. and these skills mostly require the use of physical labour.
  • Life Skills – Skills such as interpersonal skills, technical skills, and cognitive skills. These skills are usually required to execute life activities and tasks in our society like basic cooking, organization, dealing with money etc.
  • People Skills – Human beings are social. Throughout the course of our lives, we build relationships, place our trust in people, develop sympathies and empathies with others in different roles as a friend, partner, employee etc. People skills are key to working in team and being a good communicator.
  • Hard Skills – Commonly referred to as technical skills, hard skills are typically concentrated towards the achievement of a particular task or a situation. These skills will typically require you to be qualified either technically, academically or professionally.
  • Social Skills – Living in a society means adhering to its rules. To succeed working with and alongside others in a verbal/ non-verbal way while being respected and liked is important to build a career in many industries.
  • Soft Skills – Soft skills are a combination of a variety of skills such as your communication skills, interpersonal skills, and social skills for example.

While all of these skills are important for our careers and its growth, in this article we will cover the various soft skills that support job skills one requires to expand their career.

Which Soft Skills are essential for your Career Development?

Hard skills, technical skills and job skills are the skills which are required to land a job but what happens after?

You need a repertoire of soft and transferable skills such as a positive attitude and mindset, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and a decent work ethic. These soft skills also help you grow as a leader.

What most people often forget to consider is that these skills are an integral part of our society and our working environment. Our ability to converse with people, to empathize with them and to build good relationships are as important as hard skills, but sadly often undervalued.

It is often assumed by organizations that the people they hire will have a good work ethic, but it is difficult to know or check. Therefore, anybody should at least acquire some of the following soft skills that are detrimental to any career progression.

Top 10 crucial Soft Skills to master for the best Career Development


  1. Communication – Being a good communicator is a requirement by almost every employer in any industry. Even introverts have their own group of people they talk to and communicate with. Verbal or written communication is one important skill for several jobs as it helps you with interacting with your colleagues, customers, traders, and it helps you build strong relationships, which is key for networking. Effective modern communication tools to master include video calls, phone calls, emails, and face to face communication, but also interacting on social media which requires one to consider netiquette. This has become even more prevalent with the rise of remote working job positions and online work.
  2. Adaptability – We do not always get what we want, life often throws us a curveball and we’re left dealing with it, the good and the bad. Being able to adapt, accept and change when things go south is important not just when it comes to your career and its growth but also in life. Many modern companies specifically look for good problem-solving skills and creative thinking skills as these are key in the digital world in which things change very frequently.
  3. Teamwork – When you work for an organization you are also working alongside others in your team. Success is a result of not one but many individuals working towards a common goal. Collaborating with your colleagues will only strengthen your work. Your quality of work will improve when other people use their skills and their strengths to work together and achieve better results.
  4. Observational Skills – Pure data means nothing unless interpreted properly. Observing and studying your data, learning various patterns, monitoring them closely with the right project management tools and providing solutions will give you an edge over your fellow colleagues. Equally, observing social behaviours and inner social systems in a company can be beneficial for your career progression.
  5. Problem Solving – When things go wrong, your plan of action will determine your position in the company. Noticing problems beforehand in combination with your observational skills will help you find solutions to any current problems as well as problems which are likely to arrive in the future and being able to tackle them beforehand is a key skill employers look for when hiring people in positions of power.
  6. Conflict Resolution – When a group of individuals work together, sometimes they are going to disagree and have conflicts. Individuals in managerial positions or team leaders are required to solve such conflicts to keep a healthy working relationship and environment among colleagues and need to learn how to resolve conflicts, how to give constructive feedback, how to motivate staff etc.
  7. Work Ethic – A strong work ethic will show your employers that your work is important to you. Adhering to the office hours, being punctual, meeting deadlines etc. all these constitute to be a part of your working ethic. It depicts that you can both give orders and receive them when necessary.
  8. Time Management – Even though you may be able to multitask, some tasks require your undivided attention. Time management along with a combined work ethic make for a model employee. With effective time management skills it becomes easier for employees to also maintain a healthy work life balance which is equally important.
  9. Empathy – Being empathetic is one’s ability to understand someone and put themselves into their shoes. In situations such as medical emergencies, mental health issues one is required to offer support, not just for them but their family members too. Your ability to understand someone’s problems and extend that deadline or extend a helping hand will make you more valuable to the team.
  10. Leadership – Progress when it comes to working is being able to grand that promotion and take on new roles and responsibilities. Those in managerial positions are people that are in a position of power. Having a clear goal and the means to do it will show your co-workers and those above you that you are dedicated, hardworking and someone with great ideas. Leadership skills help you gain visibility in an organization thus helping your career and your team.

Career Skills support Career Progression

There is no one skill you need to acquire and master for your career. Many of the listed soft skills in the article are intertwined and work hand in hand for the betterment of your career and life. Some cannot be learned through a course, but in conjunction with training or during an internship for example. But the best preparation for any employment is to volunteer or build something of your own such as an online property or specialist portfolio through creating attractive websites that showcase your previous work and with that the skills you have acquired with your projects.

4 Top Benefits of Private Tutors working together with Teachers

4 Top Benefits of Private Tutors working together with Teachers

A child’s school years should be some of the happiest of their lives.  However, if your child is starting to find some subjects challenging, the experience can turn into a nightmare. The pressure that students put on themselves as well as that which they receive from their peers, teachers, or parents can also adversely affect their behaviour, having a further impact on their learning outcomes.  In most cases, this problem can be addressed with some additional help such as parental meetings with specialists involved and perhaps some private tutors.

One of the top international schools in Hong Kong, Harrow School Hong Kong, pays close attention to their students, looking out for those who may fall behind. Through additional educational resources that give them the extra attention needed to get back up to speed, the school offers its pupils extra-curricular activities such as a so-called MUN program, which is an academic simulation of the United Nations, for pupils to act as delegates from different countries requiring to solve real-world global issues.

Such initiatives ensure that their confidence remains intact and that they never fall too far behind academically as well as pastorally.

Another factor is discussing private tutoring with parents if this will provide additional benefits to the student’s learning. This article will explain some of the benefits of private tutors working alongside teachers and how this collaboration can be maximised for the best learning outcomes.

What is the difference between a Private Tutor and a Teacher?

What is the difference between a Private Tutors and a TeacherAlthough it may seem relatively straightforward, some parents are unfamiliar with the role that a private tutor can play compared to their child’s teacher.

Private tutors are usually focused on one student rather than a whole classroom like the class teacher. They will address specific learning needs to help the student better understand and grasp a subject or topic. Often they will concentrate on one area, although it is not uncommon for them to teach a range of related subjects such as maths and the sciences.

Tutors normally provide private lessons in the student’s or tutor’s home, where they may have access to more specialised equipment and resources. Compared to learning with a teacher in the classroom environment students often find the lessons are more relaxed and tailored to their interests, which benefits the overall learning process.

However, all tutors should understand that they are working in conjunction with the school, so they will need to follow the same syllabus and sometimes teaching methods to avoid confusing the student.

Why should Teachers and Private Tutors work together?

Why should Teachers and Private Tutors work togetherTeachers and tutors should be striving to achieve the best learning outcomes for their students, and private tuition is to supplement rather than replace classroom learning. As such, private tutors should follow the lead of the student’s school and provide the necessary support. This can only happen if they communicate about the individual learning goals and curriculum taught regularly.

Find out how this can happen below:

1. Lesson Continuation after School

Lesson Continuation after SchoolUnfortunately, it is a fact of life that teachers suffer the same time constraints as anyone else. They will need to schedule the entire curriculum into class time and won’t have the time to recover some topics.

A private tutor can continue where the classroom learning finished, focusing on aspects that a student may be having difficulty understanding. The subject may need to be explained differently using different teaching methods or resources or covered in greater depth. Indeed, it may be a fundamental part of the lesson, and without a complete understanding, moving onto the next stage may be almost impossible.

Hence why the teacher will equally benefit from supporting a private tutor with offering their student an extended and more differentiated and tailored version of the school lesson. It is a win-win for everyone involved as the schoolteacher can focus on the whole class progression while the student progresses individually together with the tutor.

2. Personal Attention

Personal AttentionIt is impossible for a teacher to devout all their attention to one student, and, sadly, this may mean that some fall behind. On the other hand, a private tutor can focus all their attention on one person, addressing their individual needs. Often, struggling students are reluctant to ask questions in class, fearful of what their peers will think.

However, in private, they are often more prepared to ask these questions, giving them the additional information, they require to fully understand the topic. An experienced tutor with an excellent understanding of the subject can be invaluable and make a huge difference to student’s academic success merely by providing extra support and guidance together with the class teacher.

3. Shared Objectives

Shared ObjectivesAll international schools welcome a diverse range of students, often of different nationalities and different cultures. However, one thing that is common with all is that parents, teachers, and tutors all share the same objective, which helps a child achieve their potential.

To be successful, all groups must work in unison to achieve the goal, following the same path, so tutors must always liaise with the school and the parents as well. It will mean that the tutor can tailor lessons to address weaknesses and meet the child’s needs. Communication is essential throughout, and professional tutors will be extremely adept at this.

4. Private Tutors act in a Student’s Best Interests

Private Tutors act in a Student’s Best InterestsNo child enjoys struggling at school, and they will always feel a stigma attached to it. Tutors will often get to know students on a more personal level and, as such, be able to formulate teaching plans with the schoolteacher that suit particular students and support them with their school assignments better. This one-to-one attention can help immeasurably with a child’s confidence too.

It is quite common for the teacher to identify a weakness and then suggest extra tutoring. Most international schools will be happy to allow tutors to use their materials as required to further forward the student’s progression. The daily monitoring will undoubtedly reap the rewards in a relatively short period.

What to do if you feel your child may be falling behind

What to do if you feel your child may be falling behindIf you feel that your child is not doing as well as they could at school or have any concerns, you should always discuss them with the class teacher or school first. Students experience a range of different emotions and challenges, so it is vital that you get to the root cause of the problem. Most schools will have a list of private tutors who they are happy to recommend. However, you can choose your own tutors, but again care should be taken to ensure that their lessons follow those of the school and that they communicate well.

How long will my Child need a Tutor?

How long will my Child need a TutorThis question requires an individual answer, depending on the level of additional assistance that is required. Some students may only need additional tutoring for a few weeks, while for others, it may be ongoing. The school will be able to give you a clearer indication, and they will be familiar with the challenges that your child is experiencing. It is crucial to remember that everyone’s learning style is different and that you as a parent can equally support your child.

For more information about tutoring services please head to our Online Tutoring & Teaching section.

If you want to learn more about how you can support your child at home, go through these guides:


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