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How First-Time University Lecturers Can Build The Perfect Learning Environment

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Becoming a lecturer is the cumulation of many years of academic training and hard work. It is a goal that many academics aspire to and one that can bring with it a huge sense of satisfaction.

Being a quality educator is no easy task, and you owe it to your students to ensure you’re ready for the job. You’ll need to know how to communicate complex ideas and concepts in a way that is approachable and understandable.

By the time you become a university lecturer, you’ll likely be an expert in your field, with research publications under your belt. This puts you in a good position to be able to impart your knowledge to your class, but you’ll need more than expert knowledge to provide your students with a quality education.

It’s important to understand learning styles and techniques that will help your class truly absorb knowledge rather than just be able to regurgitate information.

It’s a good idea to do your own research into teaching and learn the different ways to become a quality educator.

Start With An Understanding of Background Knowledge

With each new class, it’s important to know the base level of knowledge your students possess. You might be teaching first-year students without any background knowledge or second and third-year students with a good foundation. Each will require you to modify your teaching techniques to suit the background knowledge your students have.

When first interacting with a new class, consider taking the time to get a solid idea of their knowledge level. This could be in the form of an informal test or discussion with your students. Be prepared to go over the fundamentals so that you can be sure that all your students will have the right background knowledge to get the most out of your lectures.


Take Brain Breaks

It’s important to make sure your class is always getting the most out of your lectures. If you’re hosting a longer lecture, it’s important to take regular breaks that will prevent your students from becoming fatigued – no one always works their best, and it’s vital that you recognise this in your class.

Brain breaks allow your students to take some time away from learning and come back refreshed. They shouldn’t be too long – just a few minutes is normally plenty – and you should add some variety to ensure all students get the most from them. Some good activities for brain breaks include:

  • Meditation
  • Puzzles and games
  • Quick exercises like jumping jacks or squats

Record Your Lectures

Some lecturers can get touchy when their classes are recorded, and, of course, it’s important that your students be respectful and ask for permission if they want to record your lessons themselves. Still, it’s often best to allow all students to record your lectures if they want or, better yet, record them yourself and give access to your students.

This will ensure that the recordings are of good enough quality and that all students have access to the same resources when they study. Consider investing in quality microphones so that your classroom recordings are clear and provide real value to students.


Use Visual Aids

As a lecturer, it’s your job to ensure that your students have the right environment for learning. No one learns in the same way as anyone else, so it’s important to incorporate different learning techniques into each lecture.

Visual aids can be truly invaluable for helping your class to understand complex concepts, so try to include them whenever you can. Few of us learn at our best just from listening, so try to find many different ways to include visual and even tactile learning opportunities in your lectures.

Try Out Dynamic Polling Tools

As a lecturer, you might be expected to provide digital learning opportunities at times, and it’s crucial that you know how to make digital learning just as engaging as in-person learning. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools and resources for lecturers that can help them engage with students digitally.

Polling is an excellent way for you and your students to engage with one another and can be invaluable for helping you gauge the level of understanding your students have. Vevox has an excellent app that allows for quick and easy word cloud polling, which can help you determine the understanding your class has of what they’re learning. Take a look at their website for more information and to try out the tools for yourself.


Get To Know Your Students

Connecting with your students is vital to build a good relationship and fostering a quality learning environment. You should be approachable, so students feel comfortable coming to you with questions or concerns.

Get to know each of your classes and give them the opportunity to get to know you too. You could consider hosting events outside of the lecture hall to give the chance for you and your students to socialise.

Lay Ground Rules For Debate And Discussion

Debate and discussion are pinnacles of teaching excellence, and you’ll need to ensure you provide a suitable environment for them. It’s best to set ground rules for debates in the classroom, with key tenets like respectfulness and understanding boundaries.

Let your students know the ground rules before discussions take place, so they will know how to behave during debates. This will ensure that no debate is derailed by the requirement to go over the ground rules. Be firm in enforcing your ground rules without being so strict that you inhibit free debate.


Establish A Routine

Most people learn best when they know what to expect – establishing a routine for your classes can be invaluable in this regard. That doesn’t mean that your lectures should be routine or too strictly regimented, just that you should have a general structure that you build your lessons around.

You should make sure that this allows for spontaneity; don’t get too hung up on following your class structure if, for instance, an impromptu debate begins.

Provide Plenty Of Resources

As a lecturer, you’ll need to give your students all the resources they need to be successful in your class. This doesn’t mean you should spoon-feed them all the information they need, but instead, provide them with the skills and opportunities to help them learn.

It’s a good idea to create some digital resources that all students can access, as well as copies of relevant journals and books that could help with their studies. Make sure they understand how to access further resources using key things like the university library and online journals.

The Takeaway

There’s more to being a lecturer than showing up and providing information. You need to engage with your students and instill in them a love of learning and a curiosity that will serve them well throughout their academic careers. It’s no easy task, but with the right tools and techniques, you can become an educator that will have a lasting impact on your students.

It’s vital that you prepare thoroughly and take to heart the feedback you get from your students and other academics. Being a quality lecturer means being willing to adapt and change your style when needed and having a commitment to being the best you can possibly be.

Is Wikipedia Reliable and How Can Students Cite Wikipedia in Their Academic Writing?


Wikipedia is an online encyclopaedia that anyone can edit which is translated into the most common languages spoken around the world.

It can therefore be a useful source of background information on a specific topic for students, but it is not always considered a reliable source by academics for academic writing.

How reliable is Wikipedia for Students?

how-reliable-is-wikipedia-for-studentsAs a free online encyclopaedia that anyone can edit and contribute to, we must ask how reliable Wikipedia really is as a source of information.

Can we trust what we read on Wikipedia?

How can we evaluate the quality and accuracy of Wikipedia information in articles?

Because as a student, it is your responsibility to ensure that the sources you cite in your assignments and academic work are trustworthy. If they are not, your marks could be affected and with that, your overall academic performance.

It is of course very convenient to use Wikipedia. But its reliability depends on various factors, such as the topic, the language, the number and quality of editors, the sources cited within a Wikipedia article, and the policies and guidelines followed by the Wikipedia community.

So, to answer the question of Wikipedia’s reliability better, let’s look at its pros and cons.

Advantages of Wikipedia as a source in academic writing

  • It covers a wide range of topics, from science and history to culture and entertainment, and often provides more comprehensive and up-to-date information than traditional encyclopaedias.
  • It is accessible to anyone with an internet connection and allows users to search for information in different languages and formats.
  • It is transparent about its editing process and allows users to view the history, discussion, and sources of each article.
  • It is collaborative and democratic and encourages users to participate in creating and improving content based on consensus and verifiability.

Disadvantages of Wikipedia as a source in academic writing

  • It is vulnerable to vandalism, bias, errors, and misinformation, as anyone can edit it at any time, and some information may be unverified, incomplete, or inaccurate and not correctly fact-checked by Wikipedia editors.
  • It is inconsistent in quality and style, as different articles may vary in length, depth, tone, perspective, and citation standards.
  • It is not a primary or original source of information, but rather a secondary or tertiary source that summarizes and synthesizes information from other sources.
  • It is not a peer-reviewed or scholarly source of information, but rather a user-generated and user-edited source that may not reflect the latest or most authoritative research or opinions provided by experts in the relevant field/sector.

Perhaps it is now clearer why Wikipedia should not be used as a sole or definitive source of information, but rather as a starting point or a supplement to other more reliable sources.

What to check before citing Wikipedia in academic writing?


Students should always check the reliability and credibility of Wikipedia articles by:

  • Looking at the references and external links provided at the end of each article and verifying them through other, ideally original sources.
  • Looking at the talk page and history page of each article, and evaluating the quality and quantity of edits, comments, disputes, and revisions.
  • Looking at the banner messages and tags displayed at the top or bottom of each article and noting any issues or warnings about the content or quality of the article.
  • Looking at the rating system used by some Wikipedia projects to assess the quality and importance of articles within a specific topic or field.

Wikipedia is not a reliable source by itself, as Wikipedia demonstrates, and students should always use critical thinking and independent research skills when using Wikipedia if they decide to cite it as a source.

However, as a student you should not rely on Wikipedia without verification or confirmation from other sources, so you could potentially use Wikipedia to find original sources for further reading.

How to cite Wikipedia as a source in academic writing?


If students decide to cite a Wikipedia article in their academic writing, they should follow some guidelines depending on the citation style they are using.

Discover how to cite Wikipedia in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles, the most common academic citation styles.

1. How to cite Wikipedia in APA style

cite-wikipedia-in-apa-styleAPA style is a common citation style used in the social sciences.

To cite a Wikipedia article in APA style, you need to include the following elements:

– Title of the article (in sentence case)

– Date of last update

– Name of the website (Wikipedia)

– URL of the archived version of the article

The format for the reference list entry is:

Article title. (Year, Month Day). In Wikipedia. URL.

For example:

Statistical hypothesis testing. (2022, May 28). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Statistical_hypothesis_testing&oldid=1090223185

The in-text citation includes the title of the article (in title case) and the year of last update.

For example:

(Statistical Hypothesis Testing, 2022)

APA style recommends linking to a specific archived version of the Wikipedia article so that the reader can access the same version you used. You can find the archived version by clicking on the “View history” tab at the top of the article and selecting the latest revision.

You can find more APA style examples here.

2. How to cite Wikipedia in MLA style


MLA style is a common citation style used in the humanities. To cite a Wikipedia article in MLA style, you need to include the following elements:

– Title of the article (in quotation marks and headline case)

– Name of the website (Wikipedia)

– Name of the publisher (Wikimedia Foundation)

– Date of last update

– URL of the article

The format for the works cited entry is:

“Article Title.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Date of last update, URL.

For example:

“Statistical Hypothesis Testing.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 May 2022, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_hypothesis_testing.

The in-text citation includes the title of the article (in quotation marks and headline case). For example:

(“Statistical Hypothesis Testing”)

The date of the last update can be found at the bottom of the article (“This page was last edited on…”).

You can find further guidance here.

3. How to cite Wikipedia in Chicago style


Chicago style is a common citation style used in history and other disciplines.

The most used version is notes and a bibliography.

To cite a Wikipedia article in Chicago style, you need to follow different guidelines depending on which version you are using.

Use footnotes or endnotes to cite sources, and a bibliography at the end of your paper to list all your sources alphabetically.

To cite a Wikipedia article in notes and bibliography style, you need to include the following elements:

– Title of the article (in quotation marks and headline case)

– Name of the website (Wikipedia)

– Date of last update

– URL of the archived version of the article

The format for the footnote or endnote is:

“Article Title,” Wikipedia, last modified Date, URL.

For example:

“Statistical Hypothesis Testing,” Wikipedia, last modified May 28, 2022, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Statistical_hypothesis_testing&oldid=1090223185.

The format for the bibliography entry is:

“Article Title.” Wikipedia. Last Modified Date. URL.

For example:

“Statistical Hypothesis Testing.” Wikipedia. Last modified May 28, 2022. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Statistical_hypothesis_testing&oldid=1090223185.

Chicago style recommends linking to a specific archived version of the Wikipedia article as well. You can find it by following the same steps as in the APA style.

Find further guidance here.

Hopefully, the above tips and considerations will lead to students avoiding mistakes in academic writing and creating high-quality papers with reliable and checked sources cited correctly for the best transparency. We recommend using Wikipedia with caution and rather research the sources added in Wikipedia articles to ensure they provide the information that students want to share in their papers to support their arguments.

The Top 5 Methods to Assess Student Learning Online


eLearning has made teaching more flexible and convenient. Now it’s possible to conduct remote classes and even run asynchronous learning programs.

However, many teachers remain faithful to traditional pen-and-paper knowledge assessments and don’t take advantage of the many opportunities that technologies offer.

In this article, you’ll learn about five knowledge assessment methods that will help you keep up to date, reduce manual checks, and deliver engaging online lessons.

What Is Knowledge Assessment?

knowledge-assessmentKnowledge assessment is a process that helps teachers see how well students have learned and retained the material and compare their performance with learning objectives. It shows whether students can understand and apply the information they’ve been taught.

Although assessments are most often used to check students’ knowledge and skills, they also provide an educational function. By completing the tasks, students focus on important aspects that were initially overlooked and see how they work in practice.

The 5 Best Ways to Assess Student Knowledge and Skills Online

In fact, most online assessment methods are not entirely new — everything we are going to talk about can be accomplished in traditional face-to-face settings.

However, we’ll show how much easier and more engaging these practices can be when moved online.

1. Online quizzes

online-quizzes-for-knowledge-assessmentMultiple-choice, true, or false, fill-in-the-blank questions… Simple and proven, quizzes are a mainstay of assessment. Many teachers love using them online as well because quizzes are:

  • Universal. You can use these at the beginning of a lesson to quickly check students’ knowledge of a previous topic or to create non-graded quizzes to fuel interest in a subject. They’re also great for baseline measurements or end-of-term exams.
  • Easy to grade. In general, quizzes are easier and quicker to check than open-ended questions or essays. But with eLearning tools, you can automate this process, so there’s no need to spend time checking them manually.
  • Great for assessing large audiences. You can easily measure the learning results of even hundreds of students in a short period of time.

Quizzes paired with advanced technology become even more useful for teachers and more engaging for students. To create online quizzes, you can use an eLearning authoring toolkit, such as iSpring Suite.

All you need to do is choose from 14 ready-made quiz templates, enter your question and answer options, set scoring rules, and the quiz is ready to go.

For reliable results, you can set time limits and randomize questions and answers to eliminate cheating. To enhance such an assessment, you can provide feedback for incorrect answers, add info slides, and set branching scenarios to create individual learning paths based on the students’ responses.

2. Simulations

simulations-for-knowledge-assessmentAlthough role-plays are less common than quizzes, they are becoming increasingly popular among teachers. They aim to authentically replicate a given environment or challenge, giving students the opportunity to train for real-life situations.

Role-plays can be used in many areas. For example, you can use them to develop the students’ decision-making and interpersonal communication skills or to provide practice during language lessons. In higher education, you can use role-playing to assess students’ professional skills, such as holding a diplomatic conversation, providing sensitive medical care, or acting as a psychologist or counsellor.

If you’re going to run role-plays online, try creating them in iSpring Suite. It has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that allows you to build simulations quickly and easily. Simply make up a scenario — think of a fictional situation and role-play lines, select a suitable character with a background from the content library, and set up branches in the tool. As with quizzes, you can provide feedback on each answer and award points for successful completion.

3. Open-ended questions and essays

open-ended-questions-for-knowledge-assessmentSuch assignments push your students to think critically and apply the cognitive skills needed to respond in their own words. Essays and open-ended questions have two main benefits:

  • Improve speaking and writing skills. Students practice expressing their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a manner that is logical and comprehensive.
  • Boost creativity. When students are encouraged to reason, reflect, and think about a topic, they learn to think creatively and are more likely to gain new perspectives and come up with fresh ideas.

You can create open-ended or essay-type questions using iSpring Suite. However, unlike quizzes or simulations, it is difficult to trust a computer to assess students’ detailed answers and grade them appropriately. Therefore, you’ll need to check each answer manually.

4. Online discussions

online-discussions-for-knowledge-assessmentThe next level method after open-ended questions is discussion. They help students think more deeply, find different perspectives on a topic, and make connections. Teachers have many ways to facilitate student discussions online.

For example, if you want students to collaborate and interact with each other, you can divide them into teams, each working on a specific project. Students can share and respond to each other’s ideas using web conferencing tools like Google Meet and brainstorm their ideas using a visual collaboration tool, such as Miro Board. After the discussion, learners can collect and present the best ideas. In addition to cases, you can ask students to create infographics together, using special tools like Pictochart or Visme. This will help them organize knowledge on a broad topic.

Alternatively, you can conduct asynchronous discussions through open public forums such as Quora or Reddit, or social media. This is how it works: you outline the topic, start a discussion, and invite students to continue it, supporting their views with relevant examples and arguments.

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to clarify from the beginning that you expect students’ active participation and are going to translate their engagement into grades.

5. Explanatory videos

explanatory-videos-for-knowledge-assessmentAccording to the Learning Pyramid model, teaching others increases knowledge retention by 90%. If students are able to explain the topic accurately and correctly, it means they’ve mastered the subject.

You can break down a broad topic that students have studied into different aspects and ask some of them to create short explanatory videos to present a concept to the class. Let them be creative and make videos the way they prefer, and you’ll see how engaged they get.

Creating explanatory videos can be super easy with iSpring Suite. With this tool, students can create video presentations directly in PowerPoint, record and edit video lectures, and combine them with screencasts.

The students can then share their videos on a common platform, such as an LMS if you use one, or on your group’s social media page, so their classmates can give them feedback.

4 Tips for Effective Knowledge Assessment

effective-knowledge-assessmentRegardless of which method of student assessment you choose, it’s important to remember these key principles:

1. Involve students in creating knowledge checks

Students can create short quizzes for their peers and then check each other’s answers. Such an approach will help you pique their interest and increase knowledge retention.

2. Make criteria transparent

When carrying out a knowledge check, you should not only have the ultimate learning objectives in mind but also give students a clear understanding of what is expected of them and how it will be assessed. This will help them avoid making mistakes because they don’t understand the task.

3. Provide feedback

Let your students know if they’re on the right track by giving them regular feedback. This is even more important in an eLearning environment because not everyone is tech-savvy yet. Post comments on students’ answers in forums, and provide immediate feedback in quizzes and simulations.

Text feedback is not always ideal, especially if you need to point out students’ mistakes. You can arrange feedback sessions using web conferencing tools so the students can hear your voice and there’s less chance of your feedback being misinterpreted.

4. Conduct non-graded surveys

non-graded-surveys-for-knowledge-assessmentIf the topic is quite complicated or the test shows poor results, conduct a non-graded survey to find out what caused the difficulties and how to improve the content or teaching methods.

iSpring Suite is great for creating non-graded surveys. With different questions, such as the Likert scale and true or false, you’ll get reliable feedback from students quickly and improve your teaching practices.


Creating effective online assessments doesn’t require you to be a tech geek. All you need is a little creativity to slightly adjust the familiar practices to the eLearning environment. We hope our tips will help you make knowledge assessments more impactful and engaging for your students, especially for the future of global schooling.

Top Reasons & Skills for Cybersecurity Education – What is Essential at a Young Age?


It is crucial for kids to understand cybersecurity at an early age in this modern digital world. With the increased use of technology, children are more exposed to cyber risks.

Hence, it is essential that adults like parents, teachers, and others teach kids about cybersecurity and internet safety.

The Need for Cybersecurity Education

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As technology develops, cyber-attacks become increasingly complex and difficult to recognize. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, a leading cybersecurity research firm, cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.

With this alarming statistic, it is essential to teach kids about cybersecurity at a young age to lower the danger of cyber threats.

Nowadays, young kids are exposed to technology and the internet. They use devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and gaming consoles to connect with friends, play games, watch videos, and learn. As they interact with these devices, they unknowingly expose themselves to online risks such as cyberbullying, identity theft, hacking, and phishing attacks.

The importance of cybersecurity education cannot be overstated. Children must be taught about cybersecurity and online safety so they can defend themselves against dangers.

Cybersecurity education can help children develop the skills needed to navigate the digital world safely.

Understanding Cybersecurity Threats

cybersecurity-threatsCybersecurity threats come in various forms and are continually evolving. It is essential to teach children about these threats to enable them to identify and avoid them.

Some of the common cybersecurity threats that children may face include:

1. Phishing attacks

Phishing attacks involve sending fraudulent emails, text messages, or social media messages to trick people into providing sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card details, and social security numbers.

2. Malware

Malware is software designed to harm or compromise a computer system. It can be downloaded onto a device through malicious links, email attachments, or software downloads.

3. Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying involves using technology to harass, humiliate, or intimidate someone. It can occur through social media platforms, online gaming, or messaging apps.

4. Identity theft

Identity theft is the unauthorized use of someone’s personal information to commit fraud or other crimes. Children are particularly vulnerable to identity theft since they may not have a credit history and may not detect the theft until years later.

Why Criminals Love Your IP Address

What can someone do with my IP address?” you may wonder.  An IP address is a unique identifier assigned to every device connected to the internet. It is like a digital address that identifies a device’s online location. Knowing someone’s IP address can allow cybercriminals to launch various attacks. For example, they could use it to conduct a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack to overwhelm a website’s servers or gain unauthorized access to a network.

Teaching Cybersecurity Skills

teaching-cybersecurity-skillsCybersecurity education should involve teaching children the skills needed to protect themselves online. Some of the essential cybersecurity skills include:

1. Password management

Children should learn how to create strong passwords and keep them secure. They should also know not to share passwords with others.

2. Privacy

Kids should understand the importance of privacy and how to protect their personal information online. They should also know how to adjust their privacy settings on social media and other online platforms.

3. Safe browsing

Children should know how to browse the internet safely, avoiding suspicious links, pop-ups, and downloads.

4. Social media safety

It is important to know how to use social media safely, including understanding how to recognize fake profiles and how to report inappropriate content.

5. Email safety

Identifying and avoiding phishing emails is also important. Teach kids how to verify email authenticity before clicking links or downloading attachments.

6. Reporting

Children should know how to report cyber threats and online harassment to trusted adults or law enforcement authorities.

Cybersecurity education can be incorporated into various learning environments, including schools, after-school programs, and online home learning. Teachers and parents can use age-appropriate materials, videos, games, and interactive activities to teach children about cybersecurity.

Creating a Cyber-Safe Environment

cyber-safe-environmentIn addition to teaching children about cybersecurity, creating a cyber-safe environment is essential. This involves setting rules and guidelines for using technology and the internet. Parents and teachers can establish guidelines on when and how children can use technology, what websites and apps they can access, and how to communicate safely online.

Parents can also use parental control software to monitor their children’s online activities and limit access to inappropriate content. This software can also help prevent children from accidentally downloading malware or giving out personal information.


In conclusion, cybersecurity education is essential for children in today’s digital age. As children become more exposed to technology and the internet, they become more vulnerable to cyber threats such as phishing, malware, cyberbullying, identity theft, and hacking. Cybersecurity education should teach children the skills to protect themselves online, including password management, privacy, safe browsing, social media safety, email safety, and reporting.

Parents and teachers can also create a cyber-safe environment by establishing guidelines for technology use and using parental control software. Educating children about cybersecurity can help them navigate the digital world safely and reduce the risk of cyber threats and cybercrime.

The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round: The Ultimate Guide To Choosing A School Minibus


School minibuses are an important part of modern school life.

Whether you are taking children on a once-in-a-school-year trip to a museum or medieval castle, or a regular weekly journey to a swimming pool, the school minibus is a vital part of the journey.

Choosing the right one for your school and your school children can be difficult, but this guide should help you whittle down your choices and find the best bus for your school.

Lease, Hire, Or Buy?

lease-or-hire-school-minibusThere are a few different ways to finance a school minibus, and you need to work out which will be the best for you and your school. If you rarely use a vehicle, hiring one may be a better solution for ad-hoc travel plans. If you have a school minibus in your fleet, however, you a much more likely to find new uses for one that can often help add to your curriculum or service a school sports team.

Minibuses are a great asset for schools, and leasing one is probably the most cost-effective solution. You can lease a school minibus from The Minibus Centre and get behind the wheel of a modern minibus that has all the features you need to make school trips simple and safe. Their management team will help you find a minibus that suits your school, and a financial arrangement that suits your needs.

Reliability Is Key

reliability-of-school-minibusWhichever model of school minibus you choose it needs to be reliable. A breakdown on a motorway or in a car park can be a stressful experience, but it is even more stressful with a classroom full of kids on board. Minibuses are a lot like cars, older ones are more likely to have reliability problems. Modern minibuses are much more reliable, and their engines will have fewer issues and cheaper maintenance costs. Spending a little more on a newer vehicle will save your school money in the long run.

Find a minibus that is from a recognisable manufacturer. This will help ensure that it is more reliable and that any parts it ever needs for repairs will be readily available. If the vehicle ever needs to spend time off the road for repairs you do not want to be waiting a long time for a part to become available. This would have a massive negative impact on your regular school trips.

Safety Features

safety-features-of-school-minibusThe most important features of a school minibus are the safety features. These features help to protect the children during a journey, and you and your school have a duty of care to uphold. Seatbelts for every child are an obvious safety feature, and every minibus should have a seatbelt for every seat. If your minibus requires a special seating configuration, make sure this will not affect the availability of seatbelts.

There are some other features you should look out for when choosing a school minibus that will make life easier too. Reversing cameras can be a big help when finding a parking space, and can help your driver avoid small knocks. This simple addition can cut down on the cost of repairs, as well as help keep the children and the vehicle safe. Other features to consider are wipeable, easy clean seats and accessibility options for wheelchair users or less-abled children.

Seats For Everyone

seats-for-everyone-in-school-minibusSeating on a school minibus is very important. There needs to be a full seat with a seatbelt for every child, and the adults that are along for the ride. If you have students that are wheelchair users or have mobility problems, you need to ensure there is a space for them too. That space may need to have mounting points for a wheelchair to be secured to the vehicle during a journey.

The seating available for adults on the journey can be an important feature that goes overlooked. Having a rear-facing seat at the front of the vehicle is a handy feature that can give a teacher or parent an added level of control over the passenger cabin. The children have a pair of eyes supervising them throughout the journey, which helps keep them calm and lets an adult keep a watchful eye on things. Look out for this feature or consider adding it if you can.

Decoration And Signage

School minibuses should be fun as well as functional. The sides of the minibus are an opportunity for your school to show off some style. Decorations and signage can be a fun way to make your minibus your own, and make it easier to identify in a car park. You could turn the decoration of your minibus into a school competition. Asks classes or individual students to come up with a design for your school minibus and the winning design gets used on the bus.

How you can decorate your vehicle will depend on your financial arrangement. You will not be able to make any changes to a hired minibus, but if you own or lease your school minibus you should be allowed to add some customisations to help your vehicle stand out a little. Avoid paint if possible. A lot can be achieved with plastic wraps and adhesive signs. This makes it easier to remove the detailing later so you can return the minibus to your leasing agent or sell it to a new buyer without the signage.

Licencing And Insurance

licencing-and-insurance-of-school-minibusMany people can drive a school minibus with a standard UK driving licence. Make sure you fully investigate your driving licence before getting behind the wheel, as not all UK driving licences will allow the holder to drive a minibus over a certain size or weight. The age of your licence is an important factor. If you passed your driving test before the 1st of January 1997, you should be able to drive a minibus as these licences automatically include category D1 vehicles. You can only drive them voluntarily, however. You cannot drive them if you are specifically paid to do so.

Insuring a school minibus is a lot like insuring a private vehicle. You can search for a range of quotes using online tools and find the right balance between coverage and cost for you and your school. Insuring a school minibus is a little bit more expensive than insuring a private car, so be prepared for a jump in price from what you are used to. Most policies will insure any licenced driver drives the minibus but always check the details carefully before someone new gets behind the wheel. It is worth paying a little more to insure the vehicle with a reputable insurer that you can trust so that if there is a claim it can be settled quickly and you can get your minibus back on the road without too much disruption.

Final Thoughts

Remember this guide when you are searching for a school bus. Not all of them are the same. If you take your time and make a shortlist of must-have features, the deciding factor will be the cost. Investigate the different benefits of leasing or buying, and make sure you get some insurance quotes before committing to a vehicle.

5 Tips To Stay Ahead in Your Teaching Career


After landing your first role in teaching, you might think it’s time to settle down, take it easy and enjoy your new role. Whilst this is still true in some respect, it’s important to keep moving forward, and progressing in teaching can lead to a long and rewarding career.

Learning new skills, getting leadership experience, and taking on extra responsibility will accelerate your professional development and help you stand out from the crowd.

Gaining extra experience, building strong, long-lasting relationships with your peers, and staying up to date with current teaching trends are all key ways you can take your career further.

It’s important that you recognise the potential opportunities for growth and make the most of them when they come around.

1. Nothing Beats Experience

teaching-career-developmentAs with any job, there is no substitute for experience. Knowledge of the real working role will change the way you react and deal with things and shape you as a teacher. It helps you develop and nurture the key skills needed to succeed and gives you a crucial understanding of the role and its requirements.

Experience is key for individuals starting their career, but also for those who are further down the line. To progress, you must consistently broaden your skill set and keep up to date with new ways of working. Having relevant experience is also key if you plan to change roles or specialise in a chosen area.

2. Build Relationships

teachers-talking-careerEducation is a relationship-based profession. Everything you do involves the building, maintenance, and development of relationships, from students to other professionals. They permeate throughout a school and those who progress successfully are often those who learn to develop, cultivate, and utilize those relationships in positive and powerful ways.

Nurturing professional relationships is a great way to learn from your peers and expand your skill set. Align yourself with key staff within the school and watch and learn from their approach to teaching. This can also open other opportunities that can help to take your career to the next level.

3. Partner With a Specialist Recruitment Agency

Recruitment-agent-teaching-careerWorking with a recruitment agency will help save time and put you ahead of the pack in an often highly competitive industry. They will use their skills and extensive networks to find the perfect role for you with the requirements you are looking for. Their knowledge is invaluable, and they offer fantastic support throughout your job search, from tailoring your CV to helping you showcase any nonprofessional experience.

Recruitment agencies such as LTF Recruitment are perfect for finding your first job as a newly qualified teacher (ECT), or as an experienced professional. They have various roles available for individuals looking to progress their careers in education, as well as a careers hub that features free and paid courses to help you stand out from the crowd.

Working alongside a recruitment agency that specialises in education roles will mean you can take advantage of the relationships they have already forged with schools in your area.

4. Stay Ahead of The Curve

teacher-training-for-teaching-careerThe education sector never sits still and there are always changes being made. Whether it’s new ways to teach, advances in technology, new syllabuses, or something else, you should always be on the front foot and up to date with any changes. Those who can adapt rapidly and are super organised are always more likely to progress further and faster.

Consume online industry-related content, continue with courses, build strong relationships with other teachers, and attend industry events and talks to keep your knowledge fresh.

5. Be Patient and Focused

teacher-working-for-teaching-careerYour skills and experience are both integral to your career progression, but it’s not the only thing that matters. Your personality, determination, and work rate will all impact the level you reach and how quickly. Work hard, stay focused and develop your skills and you will achieve your teaching career goals. Remember, your natural characteristics and personality will often open doors in your career when your skill sets are equally matched.

Getting to where you want to be in your career will take time. Focus on where you want to go and have a clear plan of how you want to get there, but be flexible enough to recognise other opportunities that might appear.

5 Ways For Online Educators To Keep Online Students Focused


If you’re an educator who teaches online, one of the biggest issues you must deal with is a lack of focus from your students.

Because you’re not all in one room together, it can be hard to hold their attention. Not only that but there are always going to be more distractions at home than there would be in a traditional classroom.

Although it might sometimes feel like an uphill battle, there are some good measures you can put in place that will help your class concentrate better when you’re all working online.

1. Schedule In Plenty Of Breaks

break-to-keep-online-students-focusedOne of the reasons why adults and children – it doesn’t matter who you are teaching – will become distracted is tiredness. If they just keep working for hours on end, they’ll become exhausted, they’ll lose focus, and they won’t retain as much information.

Because of this, when you’re planning your lessons, you need to make sure you schedule plenty of breaks. If you include a five-minute break every half an hour, your students will stay much more focused, and they’ll get a lot more out of the lesson. You’ll feel as though you’re making more headway as well.

These breaks should ideally be spent away from the screen, and in a perfect world they’ll go outside, but any kind of break is a good start.

2. Be Consistent

be-consistent-to-keep-online-education-engagedIf you are tasked with teaching a class online, you need to be consistent. You need to get there on time so you’re ready to teach, you need to have a good lesson play, ideally with a starter to get people’s minds working, and you’ll need to work to a set routine.

Starting late, having a bad Wi-Fi connection, changing the routine randomly, and so on will be distracting, and it will mean that the students can’t concentrate. This might even be a subconscious feeling, but the result will be the same. Do whatever you can to stick to be as consistent as possible.

Even if you move offices, you’ll need to work out a way to stay on task, such as using IT relocation services so your students don’t have to be disrupted.

3. Remind Students To Eat And Drink

students-keep-healthy-to-focus-on-online-educationThis might sound strange, but reminding your students to eat healthy, energy-giving snacks and drink plenty of water throughout the day can make a big difference. It’s easy to forget to do these things or put them off until later when you’re busy with school or college work.

However, if you don’t properly nourish your body, you’ll become fatigued, unfocused, and irritable. Dehydration will cause headaches, and hunger will cause stomach aches. None of this is conducive to good work and good concentration.

You can remind your students to eat and drink when you send them for a break, for example. Or you can have a flask of water on your desk – when they see you sipping from it, it will remind them to do the same. No matter what you do, properly refreshed and hydrated students will be able to focus on what you’re teaching them much better than those who are hungry and thirsty, so encourage a safe and healthy learning environment even remotely.

4. Speak To Them About Devices

learning-devices-keep-online-students-focusedYour students wouldn’t have their phones or tablets with them in a traditional classroom (or at the very least, they wouldn’t be constantly looking at them – or looking at them at all), so you could make it a rule that they shouldn’t look at their devices while they are in class with you. Although they might think they can quickly check Instagram or TikTok, if they are in class, they’re meant to be listening to what you’re saying or carrying out work you’ve asked them to do.

Another issue that isn’t present in the classroom is the device they’re using to see and hear their lesson. Whether it’s a laptop, tablet, or phone, they need it to engage in their lessons, but it could mean it’s tempting to look at social media, for example.

At some point, you need to trust that this won’t happen, but keep reiterating the rule every day to ensure everyone understands that it’s in place because of their best interests.

5. Have One To Ones

one-to-one-learning-to-keep-online-students-focusedIt can be hard to teach online because of a more distant kind of interaction with your students. Because of this, you might not notice if someone is distracted or seemingly worried about something.

This is why it’s crucial to schedule one-to-ones with your students. When you do this, you can ask them about anything that might be worrying them and find out what it is that is causing them to be distracted.

Once you know, you can help them focus more and ensure you take their concerns into account. This will help keep them engaged throughout the mobile learning time and they will also build a stronger relationship with you.

Global Schooling: What’s an International Approach to Education?


We can’t talk about the modern education system without mentioning the lockdowns that occurred during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021.

In the post-pandemic world, we know the limitations of traditional schooling better than ever before.

We know that there are only so many hours in a single day, and one physical classroom can’t accommodate the educational needs of all students.

That’s why we’re starting to see the emergence of a new concept: global schooling.

Limitations of Traditional Schooling

limitations-of-traditional-schoolingThe world is becoming globalized. And the traditional approach to schooling is becoming increasingly inadequate to meet the needs of students around the world.

According to a survey of over 3,000 people conducted by Tyton Partners, 6 out of 10 parents believe that educational preferences have changed post-pandemic. The need for more control, flexibility and personalization in the learning experience is becoming increasingly apparent by the day.

Some of the things the traditional schooling system is lacking include:

  • Consistency: We’ve seen how easily the traditional school system can fall apart. We don’t know when another world-changing event will happen. Researchers agree that even short interruptions in learning can lead to long-lasting negative effects on the educational, social, as well as emotional well-being of children.
  • Individualization: The lack of individualization in the school system isn’t anything new. As a matter of fact, the problem has been discussed since the 1970s. With the need for customized study plans, the traditional schooling system is unable to meet the needs of each student.
  • Diversity: Learning about different countries, histories, and cultures have been a problem for quite a while. With classrooms filled with students of different backgrounds, it’s obvious that the traditional system lacks the diversity needed in the modern world.

Now, when we say that the school system lacks diversity, we’re not talking about the students. The classrooms are more diverse than ever.

Rather, we’re talking about the fact that students often don’t have the opportunity to learn about the world beyond the one that surrounds them.

What’s Global Schooling?

In the past, families looking for study and work opportunities had to move abroad to find them. Research before the pandemic showed that there were more than 10,000 international schools around the globe, with nearly 5.4 million students enrolled.

However, international education nowadays is much more attainable. The lockdowns not only showed that eLearning is feasible and effective but also that students can also benefit from experiencing schooling around the world.

In Asia, for example, the demand for “Western-style education” has led many students to start visiting American and European learning platforms. For instance, 24HourAnswers, a platform that provides answers to students’ academic questions, saw a surge in traffic from places like Japan, China, and India.

The schools definitely noticed that modern students want opportunities to learn from several sources and perspectives. It’s time for parents and schools to start adjusting to the new reality and provide students with the global exposure they need.

How Global Schooling Could Help Students


So far, we’ve established that learning about new cultures and perspectives is crucial for success in the modern world. Students need to prepare themselves to collaborate with a multicultural workforce and to understand the nuances of international relations.

But we’ve just scratched the surface. There are many more benefits to global learning, including:

● Flexibility

flexible-online-schoolingDifferent students, naturally, have different learning styles, schedules, and goals. Constraining the students to a single location, fixed timetable, and defined curriculum can limit their educational potential.

Not to mention that we’re discovering that there are more students with sensory issues than we thought. These students would greatly benefit from working with specialists that could personalize their learning experience.

● Selection

boy-studying-onlineWith large migrations across Europe and Asia, schools look more diverse than ever. It’s estimated that in high-income countries, around 15% of students are now from migrant backgrounds.

While a new country can give these students access to the education they need, a lot of them would still like to have an opportunity to learn about their home country and ancestor culture.

Connecting with teachers from their native land in their native language can help them make sense of their roots. That way, they can establish a healthier relationship with a place that shaped their parents.

● Accessibility

boy-attending-virtual-classStudents in remote areas have had problems accessing quality education all throughout history. With no need to commute from one place to another, remote and online learning has democratized education.

New technological advancements can help this process further by allowing students from all four corners of the globe to attend virtual classes in Metaverse-inspired classrooms.

Last year, Jeremy Bailenson, the director of Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab, started teaching a VR class called “Virtual People.” Already, 260 people have been enrolled.

● Globalization

globalised-online-learningAccording to research from the World Economic Forum, the Asia Pacific region, followed by Europe, North, and Latin America, has had the biggest presence on learning platforms. Other regions will undoubtedly soon follow suit.

Experts in different fields aren’t concentrated in a single part of the world anymore. Leading STEM researchers are mainly located in Asia, the best programmers tend to be located in Europe, and so on and so forth.

Giving students access to the best professionals globally can help them learn more quickly and maximize their potential. Whether looking for help with math homework or trying to learn how to program in Python, global education platforms can give students access to educational materials from around the world.

The Future of Schooling

In the end, what are we proposing? Should all schools move online and start offering fully customized learning programs for students? Not at all. That would be far too drastic of a change, and since students need to socialize, this approach could be counterproductive.

However, it’s undeniable that the global approach to education has many benefits for today’s learners. The question is, when will we be ready to move beyond the traditional system and take advantage of what the world has to offer?

No matter what form global schooling takes, this new approach can and will help students more than it will hurt them.

9 Implementations To Make Your Business More Disability Inclusive


An estimated 1.3 billion people, or 16% of the global population, experience a significant disability. All these people use the products and services of businesses every single day, whether it’s supermarkets, retail websites, banks, or healthcare centres.

But despite this, it is remarkable how many organisations fail to make their business suitably inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities. Accessibility is more than just a wheelchair ramp or elevator. There are countless forms of disability, many of which are invisible.

It’s important that businesses large and small, take steps to make people with disabilities feel welcome, valued, and accepted. Too often, when buildings are erected or websites created, accessibility is seen as an afterthought at best. If true systemic change is to happen, inclusivity must be at the heart of all businesses.

If you own a small business and are wondering how you can make your company more disability-inclusive, there are so many things you can do. It’s important to remember that while physical access is crucial, it is only a small part of the solution.

What is really at the heart of the matter is equal service and ensuring that those with disabilities feel respected and empowered.

Here are a few tips for different kinds of disabilities to get you started.

1. Easy Parking

open-office-building-with-large-parking-spaceMost people without a disability don’t think about the considerations a disabled person has to make when choosing a business to fulfill their needs. Those with wheelchairs and reduced mobility will tend to opt for those with the most accessible parking spaces. This applies to everything from shops and cinemas to law firms and accountants. Parking in a busy town or city can be difficult for anyone, but for people with disabilities, it is often a dealbreaker.

Don’t let your lack of accessible parking cost you, customers. When choosing an office space to rent or erect your premises, this should be a major consideration. Designated handicapped parking spaces need to be laid out and marked in a particular way, as well as being wider and as close as possible to the main customer entrance.

2. Clear Pathways

a-woman-with-wheelchair-going-on-ofiice-pathwayThose with mobility impairments must be able to get around easily, both outside and inside your store or offices. Ensure all pathways are wide enough for wheelchairs, crutches, guide dogs, or human assistants.

A disabled person should be able to get from their transport to your premises with ease, but this shouldn’t stop at the front door. Interior passageways should be wide and kept clear at all times. Most people underestimate the need for hallways and corridors to be clutter-free.

It’s common in many offices to see cardboard boxes casually placed on the floor, or garish product displays set up right in the middle of a supermarket. But for a disabled person, this can be a huge inconvenience. Not to mention a dangerous hazard for someone who is vision impaired.

The layout of your office or store should be factored in, and there must be space for a wheelchair to pass through, turn around, and navigate corners with ease.

3. Good Lighting

an-office-with-good-lightingThere are far too many trendy stores and restaurants that attempt to create an atmosphere by keeping the lighting as low as possible. For many consumers, this is a minor annoyance, but for people with vision impairments or reduced mobility, it can be a real danger.

It’s important to make sure your store or office interiors are well-lit, so anyone can see their way around at any time of the day or night.

If possible, try to allow as much natural light into the building as possible, by leaving blinds and curtains open during the day and removing any obstacles from windows.

If necessary, supplement this with additional lighting, especially in passageways and other high-traffic areas.

4. Minimal Noise

there-is-two-man-in-office-area-one-on-wheelchairA lot of businesses play loud music at all times of the day, but this can be incredibly distressing for those who are hard of hearing. It makes it far more difficult for them to have a conversation or get help from a member of staff.

Although there’s nothing wrong with playing music at a low level, make sure it is not overwhelming and consider people on the spectrum of autism for example, who are hypersensitive.

5. Easy-to-Reach Products

a-man-with-wheelchair-writing-on-boardIf you own a shop, you want disabled people to be able to reach the products they need without help. High shelves are a major inconvenience for those in wheelchairs, little people, and others who may have trouble seeing or reaching the products on display. Generally, anything above four feet off the ground is not going to be accessible for many people.

The same applies to restaurants, and it is increasingly common to see dining establishments with high tables and service counters. Most buildings are designed and built by non-disabled people, many of whom are taller than the average person and don’t factor other needs into account. This can make life difficult for shorter people and exclude wheelchair users entirely. Generally, try to keep the things you want your customers to see at a lower level.

6. Accessible Toilets

washroom-mirrorNavigating public toilets can be difficult for disabled people, especially if they are in an unfamiliar building or location and don’t know what the facilities are like. Some disabilities mean an individual will need to use the toilet more often than most, so it’s important you have accessible bathrooms to cater to the disabled.

Having a separate accessible toilet for the sole use of those who are disabled is ideal. If your establishment has a single toilet cubicle for disabled and non-disabled customers to share, this can lead to long wait times and cause anxiety. Someone with a disability is unlikely to patronise a business with inadequate toilet facilities.

It’s essential you ensure you have a toilet that is accessible and comfortable. Make sure you get input from disabled people in the process, so you know everything you need to include.

7. Staff Training

there-is-two-woman-in-office-and-discussing-something-one-on-wheelchairSome members of your staff may not know people with disabilities or be aware of the challenges they face. Although they no doubt mean well, this may make it difficult for them to provide the service a disabled person may need. It’s possible they may display signs of ableism – whether intentional or not – that can make someone with a disability feel unwelcome and insulted.

As an example, a shop employee may not know how to interact with someone who has a visibility impairment and will ignore them because they don’t know what to do. On the other end of the spectrum, many people with disabilities have experienced people being overly condescending and attentive when their help is not required.

Actions like moving someone’s wheelchair without permission are an extreme invasion of one’s personal space, yet those who carry out this behaviour often don’t realise they are doing something wrong.

The solution is to ensure your staff undergoes full training in inclusivity and diversity. For those who are customer-facing, it is essential that they can meet the needs of the entire business clientele, providing an excellent service to all customers, disabled or not.

Training should ensure your employees are knowledgeable and sensitive to the requirements of disabled people while making them aware that some disabilities are not visible. The training can also focus on soft skills as they are important for any customer-facing member of staff.

8. An Accessible Website

a-man-on-wheelchair-using-the-laptopWhen thinking about accessibility, most business owners don’t consider the importance of their company website. But using the internet is a challenge for many disabled people, especially those with vision impairments, reduced motor function, or learning difficulties like dyslexia.

Making sure your website is inclusive to these individuals will only necessitate minor changes on your part but will make a world of difference to a disabled person. Things like breaking up content into digestible chunks or making the font larger will ensure it is easier to read.

Optimise and upgrade your website for keyboard navigation, as this will improve the user experience for those with motor difficulties that have trouble using a mouse. Write helpful alt text on images so those with impaired vision can understand the content and be careful with your use of colours.

Offering live chat functionality is a great way to enable many disabled people to contact your business, as they may not be able to visit you in person and it is a lot simpler than using the phone or email. Take a look at some of the best chat solutions for websites.

9. Company Culture

a-man-with-wheelchair-and-two-woman-doing-meeting-in-a-companyIt’s not only important that your business is inclusive to its customers, but also to its employees. There’s a high chance that one or more of your staff have a disability, so as an employer, you must be sensitive to that fact. It is your responsibility as an employer to cultivate a work environment that is transparent, positive, and inclusive.

Closing Thoughts

You want to foster a workplace in which those who are disabled feel comfortable sharing their experiences and challenges. Make a conscious effort to hire people with disabilities and promote learning and change across your organisation.

Not only will you be creating a welcoming environment for those with disabilities, but you will also be helping your business by expanding your customer base.

The 6 Benefits of Standing Desks for Teachers & Students


In today’s classrooms, standing desks are becoming increasingly popular to improve student learning and engagement and the well-being of all.

In a study released by the Office for National Statistics in 2018, one of the four most common reasons for sickness absence of musculoskeletal problems (including back pain and neck and upper limb problems).

With many education settings grappling with student absenteeism and increased staff absences, standing desks could improve the situation. Standing desks are not only beneficial for students’ and educators’ physical health, but they can also help to create a more productive learning environment, improve focus, and promote better posture.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using standing desks in the classroom and discuss why they are becoming an increasingly popular choice for educators and schools.

The top 6 Benefits of using Standing Desks in Education

benefits-of-standing-desks1. Better Physical Health

benefits-of-standing-desks-for-physical-healthStanding desks can help to improve students’ and educators’ physical health by reducing the amount of time they spend sitting in one position. This can help to reduce the risk of developing poor posture, back pain, and other health problems associated with prolonged sitting.

Additionally, standing desks can help to increase students’ and educators’ energy levels and alertness, which can lead to improved focus and engagement in the classroom.

2. Increased Focus

better-focus-for-teaching-and-learningStanding desks can help to improve student and educator focus by allowing them to move around and change positions throughout the day. This can help to reduce fatigue and increase engagement in the classroom.

Additionally, standing desks can help to reduce distractions by allowing students to stand away from other students who may be disruptive.

3. Improved Posture

better-posture-with-standing-deskStanding desks can help to improve students’ and educators’ posture by encouraging them to stand upright and maintain good posture while at school. This can help to reduce the risk of developing poor posture, which can lead to a variety of health problems.

Additionally, good posture can help to improve students’ focus and concentration, which can lead to better academic performance.

4. Higher Productivity

alternate-between-sitting-and-standingStanding desks can help to increase student and educator productivity by encouraging physical activity which stimulates the mind and brain activity. Engaging in theoretical activities combined with physical movement activates muscle memory as well.

Memorization and recall are enhanced and lead to higher productivity when engaged in tasks or assignments.

5. Increased Energy

teacher-students-standing-while-studyingStanding desks can help to increase energy levels in the classroom by allowing students and educators to move around and get their blood circulating. This can help to keep students alert and focused, leading to better learning outcomes.

The EZ Shopper standing desk for example is an adjustable desk, which is designed with a wide range of heights, so students and educators of all sizes can find a comfortable position to work in. It also features a spacious work surface, making it easy for its users to spread out their materials and work efficiently.

Additionally, it is easy to assemble, making it a great choice for educators who want to quickly and easily set up a standing desk in their classroom.

Why is standing up while learning more effective?

standing-desks-improve-classroom-learningStanding up when answering questions, doing quizzes or exams helps the student stay focused and engaged in the lesson. It also helps to create a sense of order in the classroom and can help the teacher to better assess the student’s well-being.

Additionally, standing up when answering questions can help to increase the student’s confidence and self-esteem, as it shows that they have the courage to speak up and be heard in front of the class.

Finally, standing up can also help to improve posture and blood circulation, which can lead to better overall health and well-being.

Is it better to sit or stand while studying?

A lot of research has been done on the effects of sitting and standing on learning outcomes.

Generally, the consensus is that standing is better for learning than sitting. Studies have shown that standing desks can improve concentration, reduce distractions, and increase engagement.

Additionally, standing can help to improve posture and reduce back pain. A standing desk can be more beneficial if used properly, by alternating between sitting and standing throughout the day and by following the recommended height guidelines for a more comfortable posture.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to sit or stand while studying should depend on the individual and their needs. Some people may find that they are more productive while sitting, while others may find that they are more productive while standing.

It is important to experiment and find out what works best for everyone. However, to maintain a good posture throughout the day and taking regular breaks in order to keep the mind and body engaged while at school is a key elements of a healthy lifestyle.

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